This is something I posted on another forum, some of it might help.
So, what should you do when the bike just clicks when you press the starter?
1 - check battery (recharge, buy a new one, have old tested etc)
does it start?
2 - Check and clean all connections to the battery. This includes both grounds. One is directly connected to the negative side of the batter, just follow the wire and you can't miss it. The second one is up front, behind the horn.
does it start? (you get the picture, after every step test it. Otherwise if there are other problems that arise, you know what you just did to cause it)
3 - Remove all safeties. Pull the center black diode and reverse the polarity (just turn it the other way and re-insert). Check underneath the kickstand and twist the wires together. Tape them up, secure them.
4 - Trace the electrical wiring - use the maintenance manual to troubleshoot the starter. You should be able to trace the juice on both the negative side, and the positive side all the way to the starter.
5 - if you are like me and are impatient, buy two new relays and a bew circuit breaker :
This is what the relay looks like:
One is just to the right of the battery (facing as you would ride it) and the other is on the left, often buried by cables).
This is the circuit breaker:
It connects directly to the battery, then the relay. SImply pop it out, replace, attach everything again.
5 - Still having problems, and able to trace the juice with no loss of electrical output, then check the solenoid attached to the starter.
Solenoid and starter:
Solenoid is on the left, starter on the right. This is actually from a sporster, but they use the same starter. Check the connection on the left, it connects directly to the battery. Does it have juice? Hopefully so, if not, trace it back and you will find the problem. Remove the three bolts and gently pull out the plunger and spring.
Looks like:
Make sure it is not obstructed and the bolts allow the plunger to be pushed flush against the hole when being activated. If not, straighten them out. It is tight in there, and you want to be incredibly careful not to screw anything up. Take your time. Also, don't replace your solenoid, they sell solenoid kits with a new plunger and bolts if they all need to be replaced. Other side note, they sell solenoid covers with push buttons so you can bypass the electricl starter. I bought one, they are awesome to have in an emergency.
Looks like:
all you do is turn key (to keep engine running), press the button instead of the starter switch and the bike fires right up without the electrical stuff. This is handy, as at times it takes time to figure out where the short is, and this will keep you up and running just fine while you take your time and figure it out. I also know some that use it all the time instead of the electrical starter. Less hassle, less room for electrical error.
6 - Push start the bike. Put it in second, roll it forward, pop the clutch and press the starter. With suck a light bike it is easy to do. If it fires up, you may have a problem with the starter. But at the very least, you know it isn't the engine. Could be the starter as well. In any case if none of the above fix your problem, do it all over again and make certain you dotted all your i's and crossed your t's. Still nothing, it may be your starter. Refer to your manual, and you will have pull it and test.