Blast Down!

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Well-known member
Feb 21, 2008
So, last night I was at a friends house drinking having fun, when all of the sudden I hear a large crash outside the door. Anyone wanna guess what it was...because I didn't! When I run outside, I see some chick flat on her butt, in her panties laughing her ass off, because, ha ha, she just fell off this "random" bike. Oh did I mention... laying right next to her was my Blast!!!

Her and her boyfriend saw my bike out front of my friends and decided to take the opportunity to take some "sexy" pics of this girl on "MY" bike without asking; these were friends of my friends.

Needless to say, I now have a brake lever that is now bent, and footpegs that are rendered useless. Not only that but she scratched up my frame; hopefully that's all that was damaged. So, basically I'm pissed! Luckily, I have a few friends that are handy with Buells; got a friend lookin' at it as I speak. [down]
I think those two owe you some Money. Make the pictures they took the most expensive pictures they will ever take. But since they were with a buell, the expensive pics will still be worth it.
Oh they are paying for the damages for sure! My bike is one of my babies, and is treated as such! Stupid girl. [mad]
I fit is high enough claim it under insurance and get some new ****.

Better yet hit it a few dozen times with a bat so the insurance totals out the Blast and finally get that Lightning you want.
Hey that insurance claim is a good idea! I thought about that but wasn't sure if it would work; I've dropped my bike one other time resulting in a scraped up body, so that might just fit right in. My only qualm about that, is my bike will be out of commission longer and it's summer! I've got my Wrangler, but it's just not the same.

Oh I called my friend and told him to halt on fixing it until I can get some pics taken to send to my insurance company. Good advice xtremelow; rep point for you!
Did you happened to get some pictures of the drunken chick in her panties (it is Buell related ya know)? JK, sorry for the mishap.

You'll be back on 2 wheels soon.
Oh man, blasting her pic on the web would have been the ultimate kick in her ass!

Guess I'll just have to take the top off of the Jeep.
had a friend with a 883 sportster. layed it down, scratched it up pretty bad. the next week some chick backs her car into it. turned it into insurance and gets it all fixed. thank you bad drivers