Blast is throwing a code

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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2012
Where the mileage says does that mean? Also ...recently my speedo has been all over the place. Sometimes it read 80 in 3 rd gear. Sometime it say 55 and cars are backed up behind me.
I would look at the wiring between the handlebar and the speedo. I googled the code and ran across a thread in badweb where he was getting the same code, it ended up being a pinched wire under the speedo. Hope it helps
it means your in diag mode,d01clr. clr usally means clear
but since your having speedo problems i would say your speed sensor is bad even though it shows clr or the reset button/switch is bad.
Hmmm weird. When I push the reset button it cycles through d01clr, d02clr and so on through d09clr then it goes to PPU and back to d01clr. It has no tripometer now. I did some welding on it last week but i unhooked the battery. Maybe I should have isolated the ecm.