Blast trans repairs??

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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2010
Nebraska City, NE
Hey guys, I think im gonna be able to get ahold of a little blast for cheap in a few weeks. The story on it is its an old rider's edge bike and has been dropped multiple times. I've been told it is complete and running, but wont upshift past second. So its got 1 2 and Neutral??? Im a pretty capable fella, but just wanted to get some opinions on how hard of repair this might end up being, anyone else experience with them and does anyone know where i could get a service manual (prefer free PDF) but would spend a bit on a paper copy i guess. I'm not even sure what year it is yet. It s kinda 3rd party deal where a friend of a friend got a couple of em on the cheap and is selling them for a little profit, and my friend knew i was buell nut so he spoke for one for me.
thanks mel, got one dowloaded right after i posted that BuellMods also has em... Looks like most trans work requires engine removal and case splitting. sounds like fun :p
Hoping someone has tackled a similar problem on one of these before.
Any advice on these transmissions? I've got the bike now, rode it home actually. You can do 45/50 in second... When I picked it up I checked out one that the guy had torn down, on it the 3/5 shift fork seemed to have some side to side play in it and didn't slide or rotate smoothly like the others. So maybe it'll be a matter of replacing a shift fork and drum??
Do a shift pawl adjustment before tearing it down.

As far as any internal's pretty pointless to speculate, every part needs a thorough inspection.
I'm not goin to do any repairs to the blast for now until my wife gets some parking lot time on it and is finished dropping it :D (it her first bike). Here's some pics of the new scooter

My son thinks he is going to ride it...


Hi, I need help on this same issue. my friend who just bought a 08 buell blast is now having the same problem. Except he cannot shift into 4th or 5th. Even shifting into 1st, 2nd, and 3rd is really hard to do. It was running perfectly fine for about a week. While we were out riding we took off when the light turned green and all I could hear was grinding. He pulled over and at first we couldn't shift into ant gear. After letting it sit we were able to get it going. We are hoping there is an easy fix for this.
I was reading about blast trans issues on bad web and the issue u describe hazardous, seems to sometimes be remedied by proper primer chain adjustment followed by clutch adjustment. Maybe some fresh primary oil. It kinda sounds like his clutch was dragging, got hot and wouldnt allow a shift.[confused] not sure though, but those things would be worth a shot.

I'm pretty certain that my issue is a bad shift fork, but not sure. I guess its common on bikes that have landed on their shifter frequently....