Bluetooth Adapter Group Buy - $51

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Is there a trick to make it discoverable?
Sounds dumb, but did you tap "Scan for devices" on your phone? On most Android phones, it's not constantly scanning, you have to tell it to.
Sounds dumb, but did you tap "Scan for devices" on your phone? On most Android phones, it's not constantly scanning, you have to tell it to.

Yeah, I hit scan for devices. I'm going to mess with it some more when I get home this evening.
Update :

The remaining 5 , we have recieved the parts and we will be getting these sent out this week! I'll message each of you with your tracking info. Thanks everyone!
I managed to get my Nexus7 paired to my bike and everything seemed to work great! It seems that because I live in a townhouse that there are a lot of BT devices around and I had to figure out which one it was.
I am going to take some executive action here and lock this thread. If you have an issue with this, shoot me a PM. Scamming activity will not be tolerated.

If any of you DO need a good bluetooth unit, there are other sellers/builders out there that actually KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING. Specifically, I know Mike Cobb does and has been doing them for a LONG time.

We don't really have a good way to vet sellers here other than word of mouth and reputation. Kyle's rep is in the ******* for multiple reasons. For those of you that are out money and have no product, there isn't much we can do for you. The only thing I can suggest is if you paid with Paypal, pull your funds back. You have 45 days from the time you made the purchase or sent the money. This stuff falls under the whole "buyer beware" thing, so guys, watch who you buy stuff from. If you're not sure, ask.

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