boise buellers

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You guys should check out this website. A.T. just joined a few days ago.[up]
Where were you guys for the Legends get together in Boise? It was a good time. Got to see a couple other Buellers.
I'm from Boise born and raised! Couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Boise in the title of a thread. Awesome to see a few other Buellers as I've only seen a couple riding around town. Too bad I saw it a day after the Legends get together :( Any of you handy with a wrench? I'm always doing mods and stuff to improve my bike (getting a new swingarm soon) I'm pretty good at teaching myself and learning as I go but could always use someone with a little more experience than me
I'm in the same boat as you. I try and do as much stuff as possible on my own. Why do you need a new swing arm? Also if you haven't seen the post above about go ahead and join there as well.
unfortunatly i was cursed with the talent to turn a wrench and thats all ive ever done. you name it i can build it or fix it. my bike was not coperating with me then she decided to fall into my car and brake the left rider peg. so i grabbed the old dirtycycle and beat up the trackat lill gem
Let's just say I have some "custom" road rash on the right side and its basically the only evidence left that its ever been down besides a little paint damage that I'll be rectifying soon hopefully. Thanks Buell Cru I will definitely be joining American Thunder I hope I can take you up on that "curse" of yours sometime. I have big dreams for my bike but like most everyone else I have limited time/money.
AmericanThunder just checked out your pics and that airbox cutout is sick! I've been wanting to do that for a while now just couldn't figure out exactly what to cut out. How did you cut it? Saw one guy on here said he used a hacksaw. Also I just got an ECMspy if any of you know much about tuning. I got it just for diagnostics and TPS reset since I already have a Race ECM but always wondered about a custom tune but that's way over my head
Hello everyone I also live in boise and have a yellow xb9s. I look forward to meeting everyone and definatley wanna get together a ride very soon, looks like thursday is the best weather supposed to be 65!

jdt ive heard people using everything to do that mod and it all about your comfort level with the tool ive got lots of body work experiance so a body saw and short intervals and a cup of cold water to keep the cover from melting. i need to take it off and finnish it out alill better i kindof got in a hurry and slapped it back on. my bike screwed me on saturday she fought me out of the garage then to be a bitch and let me know she did not want to ride she fell into my car and broke the left rider peg dumb whore. check out its pretty cool
Glad to see you made it over here Josh. I can't ride Thursday unfortunately. My kid has practice for 2 hours starting at 6 and ending at 8pm.