"Bomb" Aluminum Catch Can $100

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I'm sort of with you Dave. If it were cheap enough I'd get one though.

What do you guys see as affordable?
Just keep in mind the cheaper the price the simpler the design will have to be.
No offense baja, but $100 for something I don't need is way too high. Even at $40, I'd still be iffy about something I don't need.
I completely understand that. Just wanted you to know my outlook on motorcycle accessories. :D
ill spend the $ on a well built part which saves me from having to nagger rig a rubber hose/filter system that leaks all over my garage...especially custom.
ill spend the $ on a well built part which saves me from having to nagger rig a rubber hose/filter system that leaks all over my garage...especially custom.

Flaya To be fair your bike will run better.

I've never had a catch can, just a filter in front and going down to a hose ending near the kick stand bolt. It's never dropped a single drop under it while parked. It does come out while riding though. It just gets the kick stand oily, which I wipe off when I clean my bike. There is nothing to drain and nothing to forget about.

But if you do like them, then this is a good deal. Its better than ASB's price. I don't doubt the craftsmanship either. If I was a catch can kinda guy, I'd buy one.
Well that residue all over the little nooks and crannies of the underside of the bike suck to clean off. I'm not even a clean freak about my bike, used to clean it 4 times a year, but after disassembling my bike I saw crap all over the engine, kickstand, and swing arm.

Anyways here's the completely hidden and out of site catch can I thought up today. Still needs the hose barb, breather, and drain screwed in.

$95 shipped.

Aluminum fyi



Dude...now you're cooking w gas. Love the idea. Will it fit w a ebr race can??
Dude...now you're cooking w gas.  Love the idea. Will it fit w a ebr race can??

Hell if I know but it will clear a Jardine w/Jardine mounts, and should clear a stock Buell can. It's tucked close in there and pretty skinny as the pics show. I would imagine it fits with any exhaust because no exhaust I've seen goes anywhere near the kickstand or the corner of the chin spoiler with the hole in it.
It is a tighter fit than you may think. I would do some measuring before selling them to others on a stock pipe.

What's the other side look like? It sits on the left side of the bike.

Well it's hard to tell from pics online, I'll check it on Dave's bike this week. Should still clear for how thin it is.
Im confused on what the catch can actually does to improve bike performance....and what a catch can is........? [confused]
technically nothing for performance however the breather reroute that accompanies it helps the bike run better because it routes fumes and partially burnt crap away from the intake and into said catch can
wow and people charge $100 for it....idk if its worth it from my POV. Maybe for like $20, unless its hidden on like super custom. Maybe one day I'll add one.
Thanks for the info browland! [up]

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