BP Execs Spill Coffee - Funny Spoof

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Haha... thats great! glad someone can make something funny out of such a serious issue lol...
Only thing it's missing: After the "47days later" thing, they need Obama to come in and say, "...we've been in complete control and on top of this situation the whole time." [down][smirk]
LOL yes, o'bama talking about how he is on top of it(while he smokes), and then him handing them the $69M bill. Hahaha
I thought it was funny and unnecessary to post anything, but I've got to say something now. Obama did not create the problem, BP did. How is it anybodys fault other than BP (and of course Americans gluttony for oil use)?

Obama did say that BP has better oil technologys than the US govt. (It only makes sense that an oil company knows everything there is for mankind to know about oil (as of now anyways)) Since the governments business is corruption and money, they don't pump oil, they sub-contract that out.

Now that parties OTHER than BP have to step in to help clean up their mess, some how it became not BPs' fault? Explain the logic behind that.
GSX, outside of the video, I am not sure anyone is actually being blamed for it BUT BP. ****** situation, but BP has accepted responsibility before congress even. You are right, the government deals in corruption and waste--not oil spills which is why the o'bama joke is funny.:D
hahah We "...are on top of this..." situation. THAT is funny! We're all going to "be on top of it" before too long, walkin in oil, slippin, fallin down in it. Nobody has the situation under control.

The President is just a front, just a face to look at. All politicians are out for them selves not "the people" anyways. Don't hate just 'cause they are not in your "party" of choice... *wink
here is the kicker. . . we can't give BP a bill. . . BP is a huge huge part of englands economy. if we crush them as a company we crush england (yes i know that sounds phenomenal at times) along with it. not to mention. . . it was american workers who ****** it up.
It is all too funny, not the spill at all, but the political spin on it. The bill did get sent, I dont think 69 million will crush England any more than the 700 BILLION obama gave to the banks crushed us. Thats the irony of this situation, a bill to BP for a few million, and 700 Billion given away to banks--with no bill sent.
obama bill to BP
Let's not lose sight of the fact that the very vital and necessary inspections that are required by federal law and administered by the federal government haven't been enforced at all during the Obama administration. They already knew the equipment was faulty to begin with and neither BP nor Obama lifted a finger to shut the rig down to make repairs.
Both parties are to blame here.


PS In my job I am responsible for annual inspections for every piece of equipment and facility I run. If I miss just one I am toast. Been sucessful for 23 years without a single failure. All I had to do was my job so how hard could it be to simply inspect the equipment?