Brake help!!!

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Well-known member
Feb 21, 2010
Im changing my front pads, and bleeding the brakes, i have it all put back together, but cant build any pressure when adding fluid now, it kind of squeezes the pads, but not near enough to make any friction with the rotor, and also the caliper itself is being pulled in towards the rotor when i pull my brake lever.

Do i have something wrong with my brakes?, or any advice?..
More of a description.....

Im stupid, and attempted to change my brake pads w\o ever having done it before, or reading the directions, and i could have possibly taken apart the entire caliper....and loosened the banjo bolt some to help get one of the bolts that hold the caliper together....

Am i screwed bc of this?, i got it all back together fine....or do i need to replace the banjo bolt or something?...
turn your bars to the right so the line on the master cylinder is facing up as much as the bleeder on the caliper and let it gravity bleed for a few minutes make sure you keep the master full.when done with this close the bleeder pull the lever 3-4 times and hold. open the bleeder until brake fluid stops shooting out approx 1-2 seconds close the bleeder. and repeat 3-4 times and see what you get
thanks anrkizm, i got it figured out, it turned out the little golden bolt that holds the pads in wasn't holding the left pad in in fact, and threw off the caliper. after i got that figured out, i suddenly had pressure to my lever, and then continued bleeding it, and got it all figured out!

not to just get the pads worn down a bit to mesh with the rotor i have....