Brake Light Stuck On

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Well-known member
Apr 30, 2008
I apologize if this has been brought up before, but the search feature on this site leaves something to be desired. I however did try to search for it. I have a 2003 XB9R that the brake lights are stuck on. I tried pressing the front and rear brakes to try and un-stick it, but its no use. Is this a faulty brake light switch? I did replace the right throttle tube and left clip on, but that should have made no difference. Any help would be great.
Try disconnecting the wires going to the front brake switch, if the brake light is still on it's the rear brake switch and if it goes out it's the front brake switch, then replace the faulty brake switch.

I haven't had this problem myself but what I wrote sounds like a reasonable way to troubleshoot the problem to me.

And use Google to do your searches from now on, works much better ;)
Usually you tend to hear a click of the switch when you pull the front break. If you hear the click i would bet on the rear being bad. Although you should follow stellio's advice for sound trouble shooting.
Have you done any work on the bike? I pulled my tail light off and installed it with the connector backwards, makes the brake lamp turn on as the running and its bright as hell so you think its a stuck brake switch
Spray some PB Blaster on it and see if that will free it up and keep it from getting "stuck" :p
Thanks for the helpful hints. I disconnected both front and rear brake switches, but it's still staying on. Going to try to reverse the rear tail lamp wires
I have brake lights!:D I just bought this bike and I guess I did not really check the brake lights. It turned out to be 2 things. First was the brake light connections to the brake lamp were reversed. 2nd was a bad rear brake switch. Lucky for me the local HD dealership had only one in stock. I can now get her inspected and on the road!
Theycallmecrash, that was the first thing I checked today. Funny how the simplest things cause the most grief.