Brake Light

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Nov 6, 2016
The running light works, the brake light doesn't from either the foot brake or the hand brake. Where do the wires converge and what path do they take?
The rear light had been replaced by the former owner with an LED light. I have not checked under the seat. Will be the first thing I check.

Thank You lunaticfringe, reading it now.
Alright. Fuse is good. Light is good. I checked it by running the running light power to it and it does function at a brightness greater than the running light. I have power running to both switches. I have continuity between the switch connector and the plug that goes on the light. I tried to disconnect both, one at a time, and hit the brakes and still nothing. I ohmed out the switches and I am getting continuity through both of them. What am I missing? Everything that I have done says that they should be working.
excellent trouble-shooting on your part. if i'm reading this correctly, it goes like this:
1-the brake-light side of your LED bulb is working.
2-fuse is good....wiring tests good to both the front lever switch and the rear master cylinder pressure switch.
3-power is going to both switches.....feed wire from each switch to bulb circuit tests ok.

IF THE ABOVE IS CORRECT then the problem lies with both switches. DO THIS:
1-the front switch is a simple nissin button-style switch. remove both wires from it.
2-pin both legs of an OHM meter to the switch contacts. pull lever. meter should go from infinite to 0 OHMS. if so switch is good.....if not switch is faulty.
3-repeat step #2 for rear master cylinder switch.
4-while performing steps #2 & #3 above and with wires DISCONNECTED from switch...identify which wire is the feed to the rear brake light. with simple jumper wire supply 12 volts + to that wire. brake light should activate. if NOT your problem lies in the brake light feed circuit.
I jumped the connectors at the switch and got the brake light to come on for both front and rear brake. Looks like both are bad and I will be ordering them shortly. Thanks.