Bridgestone Tires

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Battlax bt015s warhorse. did have pirelli diablos, and everyone says michelin pilots are the go. I had limited choice in my small town
id stick with the pirelli diablo etended milage if you can get them, doesnt seem to slip and let go like the pilot powers however you'll eat the rear out quicker. Not long after I got pilot powers I just smoked it so I could go back to pirelli. Its on you tube under a house in front of a jetski. Irony is i was wearing the same shirt when i come off.
well the 015 isnt a very good tire. the 010 and 014 are good but the melt away in temp above 90 and ran for more than 30 min. for some odd reason they are just greasy. right now i am trying another type of battleax and the function of it is pretty good but i wont know how i feel about this tire i a few more weeks.
everyone is like something a lil different in there ride what are you looking for?

be easy
Soreandsorry you are the first person I have ever met in my life that say's Pilot Powers slip and don't grip. You are so wrong in my opinion. I have yet to find a better tire than those and I have run them on Gixxers, Triumph Daytona, etc. All different bikes and the tires are phenomenal.
Yeah I dunno, your not the only person to have told me that. I didnt like them on my honda and I dont like them on the buell. Just a personal thing i guess
Well one good thing about the Bridgestones, they have slowed me down and for an old fart like me that is probably a good thing eh?
Hmmm...Not to hip to the Bridgestones....AT ALL. The Pilots and the Pirelli's are both In my opinion the best tires you can buy. To be exact the Pilot Powers CT2 and the Pirelli Diablo Rosso's. Those are the two newest and best preforming tires from each company and they have said that themselves. You are good to go with either one, BUT, the Pirelli's will last longer on that hot Aussie pavement, or any hot summer pavement for that matter. The Pilots will give you a slighty stickier outer tire though. You'd have a hard time making either one slip on corners if warm. In short, unless you are riding on a track or competing in some way you'll never tell the diff. because they both kick ass.
I don't like pilots at all, compared to pirelli's they feel bad. I ran a Rosso for about a week before I got a nail in it which sucked because I loved that tire, it really is amazing.
Shinyman, im wondering if i wasnt getting enough heat into the pilots i was running before i switched to the diablo's. I never took any notice of the model of tire (my bad) I took the workshop's recommendation of them. I have mates that hate the pilots too, guess it comes down to the way you use them. I like the pirelli's in the wet to, i just love them. I seriously can't see myself running any other brand in the near future, same as my riding buddies they usually run the corsa's for even more grip but they wear a lot quicker too which means $$$$
Those are the two newest and best preforming tires from each company and they have said that themselves.

Of course they a company gonna make something and say " well these are pieces of shit " :p
For the Buell, the best I've found, believe it or not, are the Continental ContiAttacks. I've never had them on another bike, but they work really well on the XB-12R, and the mileage is pretty good.
What Im getting at is that they claim these paticualr tires are the best ones they offer..thats all.
you can say what you want, but it all depends under what conditions you are riding.

if it's hot and your riding for more than an hour, you're better off with the normal michelin pp than the 2ct.
the conti's are good, but in wet weather or just after, they perform far less than the michelin.
all around the pirelli diablo corsa III will be a good choice, but taking it to the edge in rainy weather the pp 2ct will outperform it and has better mileage.

personally with the type of weather i have, the michelin pp 2ct is the tire for me.
good mileage, great performance...after 5 minutes i can take corner with my pegs hitting the ground.
pirelli diablo corsa III also, but i get better mileage out of the michelin and a bit more control when getting into a corner.

the diablo rosso i still have to test, but as i can see, there's no profile on the edges, so you can probably forget wet performace compared to the diablo corsa III en michelin pp & 2ct
its all what you like. i can run any of them and still have the control to drag a knee or peg.

be easy
i just spooned on a set of Bridgestone BT002 RS for the track. they worked great IMO. iv'e used pilot powers and pilot race but not on the buell. they all performed very well. i guess it really all depends on road condition.
for me, it's what's the most cost effective.
the BT002 RS set cost me $225 shipped.