you can say what you want, but it all depends under what conditions you are riding.
if it's hot and your riding for more than an hour, you're better off with the normal michelin pp than the 2ct.
the conti's are good, but in wet weather or just after, they perform far less than the michelin.
all around the pirelli diablo corsa III will be a good choice, but taking it to the edge in rainy weather the pp 2ct will outperform it and has better mileage.
personally with the type of weather i have, the michelin pp 2ct is the tire for me.
good mileage, great performance...after 5 minutes i can take corner with my pegs hitting the ground.
pirelli diablo corsa III also, but i get better mileage out of the michelin and a bit more control when getting into a corner.
the diablo rosso i still have to test, but as i can see, there's no profile on the edges, so you can probably forget wet performace compared to the diablo corsa III en michelin pp & 2ct