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It's an S1, the sweetest of all the Buells [up]

What in the world was that white xbr in the first post doing? He didn't even try to turn, not to mention it looks like the guy with the camera fell before the guy on the bike did, haha.
To hot for one of us,no,for him,yes.The rider never even moved the bars,so ya ,I agree with you.For some,the merry-go-round is a handfull.:p
that might help him save face.but i would say thats from the crash.
my post was meant to be sarcastic because he called it a dampener. it bothers me when people do that
There's a camera: target fixation.
someone watched twist of the wrist[up]those survivor reactions will get you everytime
I've never understood people's fascination with burnouts on motorcycles. They must have a lot of money to waste buying tires.
Man. you would think evolution would weed this idiots out. Cant blame the guys that lose it on the track and corners, they are just trying to ride aggresive. But the idiots doing extended burnouts and wheelie after wheelie have to see it coming.

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