Buell Firebolt rear tire What is the largest tire you can fit on factory rim?????

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Well-known member
Oct 15, 2009
I need info on this. I do not want to convert to a chain. I love the belt. What is the largest tire i can fit on my firebolt. Tricks of Tips???????[confused] :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
I've stuck with the factory size of 180... but I know others have done 190's without any trouble. Why you want to go big? Big tire = awkward handling in corners
I believe xtremelow did a write up on this with pics. It may not have been his thread but it was on this subject and he was very informative as usual. He said he is running a 200 with no issues.
I personally have a 190 that clears the belt by 1/4 of an inch. Belt guard do need to be removed.

The largest you can go stock is 200.
I have a 200 on my lightning. Just cut a notch in the upper belt guard. I love the look and handles well for street and twistys for me [up]

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