Thank you Argentum.
I'm not lookin' to make enemies,
but understand that if you use a company's name
and they don't say something about it,
they are condoning it.
If you're using a companies name to make money,
there will be legal ramifications sooner or later.
Buell's lawyers are just doing what they are paid to do-
protect their company's name and reputation.
There's nothing stopping me from creating a porn site called
Nothing except a paid group of lawyers who will drop me a
frank and demanding letter telling me to stop.
The law protects them and their demand is understandable.
At the end of the day, they win.
Now certainly isn't corrupt in this way.
They seem to be a fine Buell website indeed!
But its all the same in the end.
Buell cannot/will not accept the use of their name on a site they
have no control or ownership in.
It isn't good business.
Even when our local group was working to come up with a BRAG name
and trying to register it as a local chapter,
the name "Hellbuellies" wasn't acceptable b/c of the use of Buell in it.
It sux, but it is what it is.
We are left alone b/c we don't sell merchandise or charge fees.
There's no monies being made off Buell's good name.
But if we aren't careful, they will do the same to us.
As for now, I understand that we are monitored regularly,
and they enjoy what we're doing here in Austin, TX.
I hope WB can come up w/an acceptable domain name.
Once the bitterness is over, I hope they persevere.
the site is one of the best Buell sites out there,
they managed to skirt the legal issues.
Also, has been successful.
It can be done.
Good luck to them (WB)!
Robtk!42 a.k.a. "Specialk!"
"I'd rather be riding my motorcycle thinking about God than sitting in
church thinking about my motorcycle..."
--The Holy HellBuelly