Buell Helmets-last ones

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I swear when i picked it up it felt heavier
Theres a pic of my new lid.
now i really want summer back it snowed when i got home [down]
dang, was going to get someone to buy me the flame for xmas but the large is gone, and that is the very smallest size that might fit my huge noggin. Thanks for the post!
Any of you interested in a group buy for the S4 AGV tinted shield? Thats the one for the Buell Turbulent lid on sale for $99 OTD delivered.

I'm confirming the price Monday and arranging it through Motowheels. If someone here said $50 at a dealer, its going to be much better than that. I'm buying one thats for sure.
I got my Turbulent helmet today. The build quality is excellent and for only $99 delivered! However, its just slightly by 1cm too big. If I could even return it for a large it would be my luck the large will be too small. With a full Backlava on the helmet fits good, with my Suomy and Backlava the fit is too tight. Maybe I'll use the helmet as my Winter helmet or just ride around with it.

All and all a great buy.
If anyone would like to trade my new XL for a L I'm interested. This will be for the Turbulent helmet. As I said, its just a little too big and there are no returns on helmets. The size is 62cm whereas the L is 60cm.
got mine a few days ago & my tinted visor. real high quality helmet imho[up]
Confirm the visor is an S4? Where did you buy it and how much? Thanks. I should be receiving a quote on one shortly, but comparing is good.
yes the visor is for an AGV S4 (it also fits several other AGV helmets). i ebayed it from ridersuperstore for $40.00 shipped. irridum colored ones are a few bucks more.
Quote by RTPerformance:dam i want a blue one if somone runs across some let me know i need xl i may try to go there tomorrow see if they really have one and if i can wedge my fat head in a l.
snell helmet for 60 bucks is insane

I've decided I can't keep the XL Turbulent helmet since its just too large for my noggin. This is a bummer because the helmet is way beyond what I expected in build quality. Its as good as my Suomys, well almost. Anyway, I've got the go ahead to send it back, damn nice of them. But for any of you that want the black/blue Turbulent I just bought, its available. I'll sell it for $130, that will include shipping and Paypal fees. I know it cost $99 originally, but try to find one now in the USA for that price. I did find one after an exhaustive search and it was $135 + shipping.

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