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Sep 27, 2011
hey I just baught a 2004 Xb9r and absolutly love the bike. It already has an air box mod and k&n filter but I wanna put an exhaust on it as well. Which brings up the question, Is installing a race ecm already programmed as simple as pluggin it in and resetting your tps?
Welcome to the forum! Pics of the bike please!

I've never installed a race ECM myself but reprogramming your stock one with ECMSpy is pretty easy and gives you the same benefit from what I understand. I'm pretty sure I have the maps if you need them.

If you need some axle sliders or an updated front pulley cover look me up!

yea i may be interested in the sliders or cover... I was just curious cause I know there was some complications in the reprograming the stock ecm.
Nice color!


I'm no expert at it but know that it can be remapped without too much effort. Depending on your particular setup (pipe, filter etc), it's probably most ideal to do a dyno tune or talk with someone like theoctopus (The Tuniversity) to get it tuned correctly. Good luck!
I was just curious cause I know there was some complications in the reprograming the stock ecm.
its actually easier than you would think. you would either have to datalogg your bike and have someone make you a fuelmap, or learn to make your own fuelmap.

OR you could buy an EBR race ecm and its already programmed for your exhuast (since they all require diffent air/fuel ratios.)

specify which when orderign from EBR, and YES they are very much plug and plaY

if interested in reprogramming an ECM your best bet would be theOCTOPUS @ the tuniversity. all his services are described on the website. i wish i had the time/money to do this but will hopefully be doing it soon

hope all this helps

150 helfpul links
Yes it does and I appreciate all the help. I'll prob end up having to get a custom map cause I'm thinkin of custom fitting a twobrothers race can to my bike... idk yet but again Thanks for all the help!
Thanks, yea idk where he got them unless he had them powder coated but the lips are also polished but i just haven't stayed off of it long enough to clean it completely haha.
Welcome to the board as you can already see allot of helpful people on here all you gotta do is ask the questions and wait for the responses to roll in!!
zeroflat i got into a wreck two years ago on my buell lady pulld cross traffi on A1A in daytona hit me head on i got the bike layed down but took me 8 MONTHS to get my plactic
I actually have alot of the same questions. I have an 08' XB12R, and at the moment she's a clean slate. I'm kind of an old-schooler in that my builds have all been carbuerated fly by wire hogs, so my bolt hasn't been touched for fear of messing with the comp and overall tune. I'm trying to come up with a good cutlist for performance and appearance upgrades so I can embarrass these little slant bikes with some real American muscle, and I could really use all the help I can get!
i no race ecm or reporgraming one,air box mod, exhaust are some common ones ive never seen a buell thats been ported and polished but i no if u can do it will give u a hell of amount of power
Welcome! I also would recommend TheOctopus at The Tuniversity. He's a great teacher and he'll get you tuning your Buell in no time. [up]