buell performance...where to begin?!

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Well-known member
Jun 18, 2007
for those buell starters looking for a little extra...here is a list of things that you can do to increase that fun-factor

**************cheap fixes**************

- a good running engine is a healthy one, so get some good synthetic oil in those buell veins
fi. mobil1, amsoil, royal purple, redline, etc

for the transmission, you can mostly use the same, although if otherwise mentioned, use the suggested on the bottle or website of your engine oil of choice.

- ignition is a important factor, as a good ignition of the air/fuel mixture will give your either a good burn or a bad one.
a bad burn will produce less power and create more heat.
good plugs will help you in that area and the better performing plugs are the iridium ones.
fi. buell performance plugs or ngk iridium are good options.

the above mentioned will also help with (cold) starting

- ecmspy, is a cheap, but excellent solution to remap your ecm for performance instead of gas/mileage & environmental laws.

- performance airfilter is also on the route to better performance. but when doing this, keep in mind that you will have to remap your ecm to adjust your air/fuel ratio.
you can either find a tuner or use the cheaper solution and learn to work with ecmspy.
link: airfilter

for an even better result, combine this tune-up with an open airbox or airbox-delete kit and a breather re-route

**************less cheap fixes**************

- a slip-on exhaust, is a well known performace adder...but also, a diet program for you bike.
performance is not all about the torque/hp you gain, but can also be the weight you lose.
you have several slip-on solutions at a decent price.
fi. jardine, drummer, etc

- f.a.s.t. intake system, is another option you can mount that would replace your complete inner airbox.
it is a k&n air-cup with a heat blanket that does not only adds more air unlike any other system, it's also cooler air. (cool air takes up less room than hot air = more air in engine)
note, that you will need a remap for this...again either by a tuner or via ecmspy.

- sprocket changes, does not necessarily add more power can it can help you get more of a choice: torque (low end & mid range) or hp (high end)

**************expensive fixes**************

- complete exhaust systems
- oversized pistons
- flowing
- cylinder kits
- compressor kits
- etc.
I had never really considered changing plugs till now. I'm adding that to my list of winter upgrades. Thanks

Hey LeFox, I've always used AMSOIL in everything I drive or ride. But I've been thinking of switching to Royal Purple. There is a lot of hooplah about its performance enhancing capabilities. Is one really that much better than the other? Royal Purple is only a little more $, but a lot harder to find in local shops.
I run RoyalP. I noticed a huge difference from HD Syn, but if you havn't had any probs with Amsoil my guess is your prolly all good. Maybe change it out for two oil changes and see if you see a diff. RoyalP is easy to find here, in every Jerrys Auto Supply and Napa Auto Parts iv looked in. Iv never changed off the HD plugs either, you think ill see a big difference if I switch to NGK LeFox?
changes in of oil from rp & amsoil will be minor...they are both good oil and performance-wise you won't feel a difference.
you will however feel it when changing from regular to synthetic.

other differences will be in wear, sound.
if you're running in really hot weather...you might want to look in the redline 20W60

for the plugs, yeah you'll feel a difference from regular to iridium plugs.
starts better, runs smoother, reacts better...you won't feel the half a horse you added :p
Like I said, I run amsoil. But I'll be perfectly honest. I cant remember if I used 10W30 or 20W50. from what I'm reading 20W50 seems to be what I should be using, but doesnt the manual recoment 10W30? Whats the difference?
been making sportster motors for over 50 years its a buell bike...but make no mistake its a harley motor..there is no power gain with plugs none at all its been proven time after time ect.....take some time and check out the sportster sites and find out what works and whats a waste of time... plug produces a spark not a magic spark or a spark that makes more power...a hardened tip on there so called magic plugs are the worse thing you can add to a air cooled motor...when over heating taked place and it will ... you want the plug to start to break down...MELT...change shape over time not the piston..all has to do with intake charge cooling....your very welcome 919
I really don't think you will find anyone on here that has anything bad to say about the NGK Iridiums (Other than break the electrode off when gapping) They smooth our bikes out a little bit, there's no question.
I run NGK's in everything I own.

I think you nailed it one thing you missed Lefox is suspension set up. All the power in the world will not help if you can not get the bike to turn or not stand up in the corner while breaking. I will look up the cheat sheet for fine tuning the setup. Also we could discuss the mental part of it in another thread.
A question for yall. When I bought my bike it has a race ECM and exhaust. I am planning to do the breather reroute and maybe be creative with my inner air box, and put a new set of plugs in after I can see my bike again after the 5 feet of snow melts. but anyways. when I do these mods with the Race ECM will I still need to fool with it????
Your fine but you might look at remaping someday to get the best performance out of the bike.
GatorBuell said:
I think you nailed it one thing you missed Lefox is suspension set up
suspension is another thing...that's the same deal with brakes.
this thread was more for the engine part ;)

maybebuell said:
there is no power gain with plugs none at all its been proven time after time
another great read, maybebuell! [smirk]
1) buell tubers = sportser engine
2) buell xb's = no sportster engine
3) please show me where you read you'll have power gain. performance isn't all about power, like i already said.
a better burn gives you a smoother, better starting, better reacting engine.
sure a better burn will make a smoother stronger running motor ..nothing new there....saying a plug change will do that is not true...does the plug change the a/f ratio,,,no will it gain tp or hp no...everything before the plugs yes if its not working right or worn...i understand someone changing plugs it nature to want to feel like a gain was made....when you over pay for a product...that a 1.50 cent plug will do the same...harley plugs where say $5 for one...on big twins a cross ref on the plug number and what do you know..its a champion rn12yc 1.50 cents...116 hp 127 tq after a season change them weather it was 5000 miles or 10.000..but i understand things are different on a buell and im a buell fan
why is paying $6.50 to 9 for Iridium plugs that are virtually foul proof, and smooth our engines out a bit over paying? For under $20 you have spark plugs that will most likely out last your bike and smooth out your idle a bit. Sounds like a good deal to me.
maybebuell said:
sure a better burn will make a smoother stronger running motor ..nothing new there....saying a plug change will do that is not true...
eeeerrr, wrong!
the spark is electrical. if you use a plug made of material that has less resistance, the electrical flow will be better and the spark will be given at a better time, thus creating a better burn.
should even have mentioned that better quality wires would also be an improvement.
maybebuell said:
does the plug change the a/f ratio,,,no will it gain tp or hp no
did i say that, please show me where, cause i can't see it [confused]
again...read the post before making comments, since now they are based on your imagination.
maybebuell said:
...everything before the plugs yes if its not working right or worn...i understand someone changing plugs it nature to want to feel like a gain was made....when you over pay for a product...that a 1.50 cent plug will do the same...harley plugs where say $5 for one...on big twins a cross ref on the plug number and what do you know..its a champion rn12yc 1.50 cents...116 hp 127 tq after a season change them weather it was 5000 miles or 10.000..but i understand things are different on a buell and im a buell fan
you totally lost me here.


- read the post before making comments.

- make comments on facts mentioned and add info, but don't tell people they are wrong when you are commenting on something they didn't even say.

i'm all for free speech, but if you keep portraying people like they are one taco short of a combination plate, you leave me no choice but to remove those comments
Its not that new plugs give you more hp then you original had. Its just that as plugs get older and start to foul (especially in buells when you start them in really cold weather alot) then they will start to lose power due to not geting a complete burn because of weak spark. So therefore when you put in new plugs the bike "feels faster" because you are back to original power.

Not to mention easier starting and smoother running engines.

I have raced bike along time and i run lots of race gas which most of the time cause stuff to foul fast then normal so i feel it happen over and over.

Also just regular Nkg's are some of the best preforming and most reliable plugs imo.
thanks for helping me out kole...its the changing of the older plug to newer one.....not so much installing the 9 dollar plug ....so why does or do buells have a hard time with plugs not being a wise guy owned many bikesmand a few there harleys...never fouled a plug...is it a problem with the efi..
pff i give up...

maybebuell, you're the king man...go ride thousands of miles on your regular 5cent plugs. [smirk]
Going from brand new regular champion plugs to brand new NGK Iridium makes a difference. Theres no question about it. Our bikes run very well with the Iridium plugs. Think what you want, but until you actually get a buell and try it, you really won't know. NGK Iridiums are the way to go.
I Foul plugs because i run race gas that is leaded not to mention having to clean the fuel system