Buell Ulysses XB12X where is the diagnostic port for ECM programming cable

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Mike M

Jun 14, 2020
A simple question, where is the diagnostic service port to connect the programming cable USB Spy ECMSPY. I have a 2009 Buell Ulysses XB12X and i want to look at some of the trouble codes. I am not going to change any of the bikes parameters just want to see if any trouble codes are showing up. I had the bike die on me riding out in the desert heat in AZ (ambient temp was 110F), It wouldn't restart and i wore the battery down trying to get it to start again. I had have it towed back home that evening. Put the XB12 back on a battery charger and next day the bike started like it always does - no problem. Couldn't figure out for the life of my why it died and wouldn't restart the day before. Bought an ECM programming cable for ECM SPY and thought I would look at the trouble codes and see if they say anything. Thanks, Mike .
the X and XT models have the diagnostic plug located towards the left side of the bike, accessible by either removing the seat or thru the small opening between seat and tail section. if the factory issued trim piece is still in place, simply pop it off to access the plug. be gentle as that piece is only attached via captive plastic tabs. areas circled in yellow show you.
regarding your extremely high heat "shut-down" situation...the ECM may or may not have stored a historical fault code. crap shoot as to what caused it, but bet on either loss of fuel delivery....or loss of ignition spark. the rear cylinder mounted ETS might have completely shut down the motor in lieu of "limp home mode". Shaughn and other ECM wizards on here might know. but i'd put my money on a weak ignition coil that goes on hiatus during baking-oven conditions that develop between top of motor and underside of airbox base plate.

09 uly.jpg
Thanks Barrett. Appreciate the great info and insight into the problem. I will check it when I get back to AZ next week. Thanks for the info on Shaughn I may reach out to him if I don't find the fault code. Best Mike