Buell: under the knife

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Well-known member
Jun 30, 2011
WTF? Buell motorcycles going under the knife for kicks of having something different, really? Isn't the overall design of the Buell motorcycle unique enough for ya? Our motorcycles weren't mass produced like the Harley's and powered by rice crotch rockets that every Tom, Dick, and Harry has.Turning these bikes into bobers, choppers, cafe racers whatever you wanna call it... you should be charged with a crime for destroying functional pieces of art:D Sure you've got mad skills, so please practice them on something else rather than a Buell. end rant! ...concerned Buelligan:p
I have so many ideas for my 1125 but haven't done any because of this very thought. Every aftermarket part I've put on i keep the stock stuff for later on. Can't bring my self to make it more one of a kind than it already is. I looked at my bike as a investment with the killer deal i got on it. So if i wreck it bad enough that will be the only time i build it how i want. Until then I'll keep enjoying the hell out of it. I will say the bobbers I'm seeing look amazing.
The buell is a nice bike and is unique, but whats wrong with making it your own? No i dont want to look like every other buell out there. I have one that is stock with light mods and one that is far from it and in my opinion looks bad ass. To each his own i guess.
No bike I have ever seen or rode was "perfect" for me. My 1125 is as close as ive gotten to my dream bike, although it has a few quirks and design aspects that I do not particularly care for. I will change these things so that I do like them. I couldnt care less if any other bike out there looked like mine. I dont give two ***** about being different from everybody else I just care if I like the damn thing! I personally dont do anything to show off my skills (LOL SKILLS. Gotta have them first to show them off) I do it purely for the enjoyment of doing it and making something my own. That being said... I have gone to great measures to make sure that any modification I do can easily be swapped back to the separate stock parts that I still have. Our buells are more than just a motorcycle with painfully cheap resale value. They are a dying breed that represented American ideals and stunning ingenuity. And I fully appreciate my buell for that. Hats off to Mr.Buell himself for that one. But Buell has done his part in making my bike, now I will do the rest and tweak the bike however I so desire to make it what I want.
They are a dying breed that represented American ideals and stunning ingenuity.

you said it all there...

not saying not make it your own, but when does one say it's no longer a Buell, ...now we are left to hang on pieces, memories, and pictures of what use to be...