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Oct 21, 2012
Hi All,
I've just necome the proud owner of an '06 Uly. Just 4k miles on it and I;m certainly enfoying it.......Most of the time!
I also own a 1956 Triton so enjoy quirky bikes, but I'm finding the lumpyness of the Uly when riding a 'neutral throttle' or at low speeds a bit annoying. I've even been a bit concerned at times that it would stall, but it never has. I've read much about TPS resets and the liek but an independant Harley service centre near me suggests this shouldn't need altering? I'm starting by cleaning the air filter and changing to Iridium plugs. I'm also going to direct earth the coil as it can't do any harm but there must be a fix-all solution to this problem 'cos everyone seems to suffer it.... HELPPLEASE!!

2nd issue is the heavy gear change. As I say I own a Triton so am used to 'positive' changes but the Uly sometimes actually causes pain in my foot!!! - Can't be right.
I've set the clutch as per the manual and I'm not getting any drag at rest - again Any thoughts fom anyone??

All help grsatefully received

Many thanks
Hi and welcome aboard! Check the primary chain tension, and change the fluids (trans and sump) to a quality synthetic. The gear changes are maybe not Japanese inline quality, but they shouldn't be as bad as you're describing. I'm betting your primary chain is a bit tight. Search here for the procedure--it's quite simple to do.
They do chug a bit at a nuetral throttle while in gear. What rpms is the bike idling at? Should be near1000 . Theres a idle adjust screw behindthe left side scoop if you need to adjust it.
If it has a stock exhaust, put the race maps in it or even just tune the bike to the stock exhaust so it won't have the low rpm issues
Welcome, i generally ride in a lower gear to combat the lug. My owners manual says not to lug the motor, i think it even said something about cruising above 1500 rpm. I hope you like the forum as much as the rest of us do!
^ +1 to what Crawfo said--big throttle bodies/fuel injection/relatively lumpy cams make for a bike that does not like to roam around under 2,000 rpm...
good morning flewbags and congratulations on the Ulysses purchase. you just discovered what every 06-07 Uly owner has known.....the dreaded low speed surging. my first Uly was an 07 with 2900 miles on it and the low speed leanness/surging was so annoying i was going to sell it. two things solve it: NGK iridium tipped plus # DCPR8EIX and plugging into bike's ECM to install race maps. TPS switch reset is part of the install. in all honesty, nothing else will cure it and you'll need ecmspy, a computer, cable to patch from bike to computer, and software drivers. thousands of threads on here about how to do it but if not sure, get some help. the difference and improvement in rideability is shocking....in a good way. regarding your shifting, all good info above and try either castrol 4T act-evo 20-50 in the primary/trans, Bel-Ray gearsaver #80 or Motul Synthese. huge improvement with shifting and clutch action with these wet-clutch trans fluids in all Buells and Sportsters. hope that helps.
Really grateful for all the advice. Sorry for not posting my thanks sooner but I've been getting some late autumn sunshine in Portugal:p . Will check the mapping - but not confident enough to do it myself [smirk]. I have bought some Iridium plugs and will sort the transmission stuff this weekend. Fingers crossed and glad to be part of a top Forum[up] Thanks
When I got my bike, it really didn't run well when putting around town/parking lots at 2500rpm or less. Did the breather re-route and now I can lug it down to ~1500rpm without it getting "lumpy".
Done the mods.
New Iridium plugs
Direct earthing of the coil
Engine breather mod so it now vents straight out the back
Also cleaned the air filter and drilled the filter cover to allow freer breathing.
Not sure what has worked but it now hunts less and is far torquier. Pulls like a train in 2nd from under 2k whereas before it would have meant changing down to get it to pull away. Don't get me wrong, it still coughs and farts a bit at town speeds but is now rideable. Will get the mapping diagnosed one day but the panic has gone at least. Thanks for all the support. Now, I'll just look up how to best adjust my primary drive.;)