Hey there everybody! This is my first post on your site here as I am the proud new owner of a brand new 07 xb12scg. I came accross a deal that I couldn't afford to pass up on this bike and I had to get it. However, being 6', I am quicking realizing that the cg might be a little too small for me.
I have been thinking of trying to convert the suspension to that of a 'S'. I have seen plenty of salavaged rear suspension setups for the regular S on ebay and various other sites and I was wondering if the results are going to be worth the trouble? And if so, what other parts am I going to need to buy to pull this off?
I have been thinking of trying to convert the suspension to that of a 'S'. I have seen plenty of salavaged rear suspension setups for the regular S on ebay and various other sites and I was wondering if the results are going to be worth the trouble? And if so, what other parts am I going to need to buy to pull this off?