Buell XB12X 2008 stallks; ECM problems; No RX

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Aug 17, 2014
Greetings everyone. I would like to kindly ask you for your help.
I've got a Buell Ulysses 2008. I have got K& N Filter and open exhaust system. I have ordered ECM cable 5 months ago. First cable was broken, the prolific chip was dead. I had to wait for replacement. Second cable worked twice. I did all Diagnostic Functions aswell reset tps. On next day second cable was dead (the chip again) but even worse my Buell became extremely unstable. On idle its ok, if I accelerate smooth it stallks (stallks a lot, unusable). From 1000 up to 3000RPM the motor stallks and unless I do few times agressive acceleration to jump over 3000rpm it stops. After 3000RPM it starts to work normal. I did a little research and found the exact prolific 2303 chip with cable ready for soldering. I have managed to repair my cable and now its working fine. Unfortunately I cannot establish connection anymore ... the problem appear to be now in my motor - ECM computer receives TX but doesnt send RX. I've made measurements with an oscilloscope on the ECM cable while I am trying to establish connection with ECMSPY - The cable is sending but the motor doesnt replay on the RX channel afterwards. I am quite sure cable is working, the prolific chip appears in device manager as it should, and its soldered proper. My Buell got broken the day after I did the diagnostics and tps reset. All Diagnostics went successful but even so it showed error 21.

In short my Buell doesn't work and I cant connect to see what is going on. Checkmate.

Thank you very much!
The motor is choking/ drowning at low RPM. Please excuse my English, I've got no words to explain my pain....
Hi. from where did you purchase the cable??

With no cable attached to the bike's diags port, what is the voltage on the bike's socket pin1/Rx and pin3/Tx? They should be 5.0V with no load.

the problem appear to be now in my motor - ECM computer receives TX but doesnt send RX
The terminology is not clear. Do mean the ECM can receive commands, but cannot send data back? If so, you can still issue Diagnostics commands and see/hear the results, correct (ie: fan test)?

Which diagnostics functions did you run, and what program was used? Any additional background would be helpful!
Greetings. I have used Ecmspy and ran all possible diagnostics in the Diagnostics section.

Ecm now cannot connect at all. When I try to establish connection with my Buell the log downside says
Transmission timeout
and nothing happens. While I did this operation I also measured with oscilloscope the cable, TX wire is working but on the other side, the RX does not. Personally I think this means the cable is working, it is sending data to my Buell, but the Buell doesnt wan't to answer.

I just measured the TX and RX, both are 5.16V
This is what I've found in Program Files/Ecmspy ( open with Notepad) Folder datalog is empty..
epr.tmp https://drive.google.com/file/d/0By3x6MGIVKeuS2VPa1VWa2pYVFk/edit?usp=sharing
log.tmp https://drive.google.com/file/d/0By3x6MGIVKeudDdkWXMyQllfNkU/edit?usp=sharing
ecmspy.sic https://drive.google.com/file/d/0By3x6MGIVKeueFo3ZUhaOExhWXc/edit?usp=sharing

Thank you!
Ja, Geiz ist geil. Nicht ohne Grund werden auf ecmspy.com Adapter von FTDI empfohlen.
@ich There is no place talking about greedy here. I found and bought most expensive and best looking one from ebay from the seller with most sold. Could you tell me please what are the benefits from FT232R chip?

I have a question - is it possible if my ecm computer is bad/wrong/corrupted, my Buell still somehow to work? I want to know whether my Buell computer is fine or the problem is there.

Any help would be greatly appreciated... Thank you very much!
 Could you tell me please what are the benefits from FT232R chip?
Ach, da gibt es eine ganze Menge:
a) er funktioniert
b) er funktioniert
c) er funktioniert
d) EcmSpy unterstützt FTDI-Adapter direkt, ohne Umweg über den COM-Port und die üblichen Probleme (http://ecmspy.com/ug_mono/V2.0/menu.shtml#connect)
e) er funktioniert
f) er funktioniert
g) er funktioniert

Writing in your native language on international forum makes very good impression... ;) a) ... b) ... c) ... [smirk]
strijem said:
I have a question - is it possible if my ecm computer is bad/wrong/corrupted, my Buell still somehow to work? I want to know whether my Buell computer is fine or the problem is there.
It is possible, yes.
strijem said:
While I did this operation I also measured with oscilloscope the cable, TX wire is working but on the other side, the RX does not. Personally I think this means the cable is working, it is sending data to my Buell, but the Buell doesnt wan't to answer.

I have read and re-read your initial description and the updates, but I still don't know which RX/TX ends you mean. So is this a correct summary? Your cable can transmit data on its TX line to the ECM's RX line (DLC pin 1), which you have verified with the oscilloscope. But the ECM never sends any reply on its TX line (DLC pin 3) back to the cable's RX line.

Is that correct? If so, as a test, connect the DLC pins 1 (RX) and 2 (ground) together via a jumper wire. If the ECM sees its RX line held low when you turn On the ignition switch and engine Run/Stop switch, then the check engine light will start a series of flashing patterns. At a minimum, you should see a series of 6 rapid flashes, and then possibly others. If you DON'T see these flashes, then either your DLC connector and/or wires going to the ECM are faulty, or the ECM is bad. Also, without any jumper wire attached, be sure the check engine lamp does in fact turn on for a few seconds when the Ignition and engine switch are turned On.

If you DO see the flashes, then your ECM can at least read data coming in on its RX pin. The issue could still lie with your cable or it could mean the ECM cannot TX data back when it receives a command that requires a response. You might can narrow that down as follows:
- remove the three wires from your cable's DLC connector end. You will have a cable with three female sockets but no plug.
- carefully attach the cable's Tx wire to the bike's DLC pin 1
- carefully attach the cable's Gnd wire to the bike's DLC pin 2
- carefully attach scope probe to the bike's DLC pin 3
- send a command to the ECM, such as live data request or retrieve ECM EEPROM data, while observing the bike's TX line (pin3). If you see no response, this further points to an ECM issue. If you do see a response, then your cable is likely bad.