buellers in maine?

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My wife and I rode from Pepperell Ma to Bridgeton Me and back in a day. My wifes grandparents have a cabin on highland lake. We go up there alot in the summer. Where are you from?
Finally another Maineiac! Figured I was the only one around on here. Where you located? Bangor area? I'm in Washington. -Arthur-
ahh sweet maine buellers :)[up] good to hear frm ya all guys or gals... yeah i used go out of states smetime. but hate to get pulled over frm cop bitchy abt loud muffler haha... am in south china area -buellboy:D
HAHAHA I got pulled over in NH by a statie doin 90 somthing and wound up talkin bikes on the sid of the hiway for like 45 minutes. I wouldnt worry about it:D
yeah i did samething when i hit on 145mph with wheelie one time on highway then got pulled over .. suripised me he (state cop) let me go . not get any tickets.. it was frm my cousin.. (whew!) i was thought damn it! game over! guess not.. so i keep my game up more haha[up]
Batman, maybe set up some big ride when the weather breaks. Laconia not far away, anyone going?

Buellboy, your not far at all! You just buy the bike? Looks like one a guy I know had up in bangor for sale. I'll Pm you my number, give me a call sometime will have to hook up sometime in the near future.
I think they only pull buells over up here just to check them out! Even though they gotta hard on for loud pipes. Just before I put the old girl up got pulled over doing 81 in a 45 No inspection, jardine pipe and all he said was " You know how fast you were going" and I simply said more than the speed limit or I wouldn't be talking with you. He laughed and started in with the bike ?s. Half hour later.... Warning it was! May not be as lucky the next time. They know a real bike when they see one I guess, thats all;) Good cop, here have a donut better take 2 one for the next time
art... no i hav my buell for 6 yrs to now.. wasnt ride very much when i frist bought it from my bro. then in summer time started to ride more n more. till now i am getting addicted with my buell lol. nice n aggesstive toy!
oh yeah abt the law might will change the law abt loud muffler or they will gve u fine $137 for it.. i would rather ride in group instead alone u know... less trouble lol maybe....
we cn try hook up smmetime ths summer .. if i got avaible on my schudules.. i will gve u art my cell nbr after i get new cell soon. mine going die anyway ha . i keep in touch whever come up for plan to ride dudes :)
prob anyone in maine w buells already passed by each other tht we werent know from us who are online of buellers members now haha that will b funny to get know from small world! :D
who else??
I don't think anyone from Maine! I've been waiting for someone to show up but none from here. I know a few guys around but none on here. You know Ron at North Country? He's the only die hard Bueller I know of. I was up your way alot, you never saw me on the yellow lightning? Your not far so give me a call for sure. That law is already in, they passed it last year thats when all the BS started. F-em I'm not changin it only a few dicks that really try to make it stick. Waterville gave us some trouble I know that.
yeah i believed some of em got buells but not join in members here... i have seen severals of em ride on buells. oh hell yeah i know who ron is lol. he try get me to give him my bike to build up more horsepower for me. what a nut! haha [up]
umm.. i dnt think i have seen urs yet.
yeah i know abt law is way too BS! yup waterville is very a**-O .. i been there alot only thing i go slow gentle keep rpm low quiet as i can .. no plm at all.
Come on, where is everyone? I've seen way more Buells in the little bit of decent weather we had than all last year. Gotta be a couple more lurking around here. With all the rain I'd think the computer would be where to find a few, I know I'm due for summer time to get me away from the screen! -Arthur-

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