Buellers in Michigan?

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Traverse City, same as last year, but broke my ankle monday, so I will not be riding super early this season. I figure I need at least a walking-boot before I try to ride.
About 4" snow on ground just north of The D today.

"All snow & no ride make Rave a dull boy."
"All snow & no ride make Rave a dull boy."
"All snow & no ride make Rave a dull boy."
"All snow & no ride make Rave a dull boy."
"All snow & no ride make Rave a dull boy."
No, unfortunately my buddy is married with two small children so of course he doesn't have a motorcycle. Oh well!
Damn them women lol. Well if you come this way inform me and we can meet for dinner or something. PM me for phone number. Where are you located RAISING
Sweet--other Detroit Buellers!

(DE)troit (CI)ty (B)u(EL)lers!

Hee hee--I just made that up on the spot! Maybe could use work. LOL. Might be able to work it into a sweet logo of some kind, though! :)

I'm in Royal Oak near 14 & Woodward. Would enjoy meeting you cats. [up]
Hahah! DECIBEL lives!
Thanks Cronce--yeah it was inspired. :p

If you're local (Detroit), hit me up sometime this Spring. Would like to see a real-live 1125R up close.
With any luck I'll have all my mods completed tomorrow and can shake the cob webs off my bike!

Woot! Ride slightly EAST, young man!

D E C I B E L needs you! LOL :p
Hell yes Fin! im actually in Garden City not too far, i'm going to be all over this summer, lol a real-live 1125r :D "they do exist" ;)
So do we want to plan out a meet for this summer?

I am thinking either June 25th or July 9th, I would think June 25th would work best since, we could get a cruise in and if anyone wanted to come to Muskegon for "Muskegon Bike Time" (July 15-17) could do so and we could meet up again at my place and ride down to the Bike show. Estimated 100,000 people there last year, and expected to only get bigger this year [up]
