Buells on film: xb12s in music video

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BOO!!! On Audi trashing those Buells. Good catch CT. I couldn't even tell what they were. Two [up][up]
Yeah was going to post that reverse image up but see it is old news, wonder why they did that?[confused]
why are the two on the lightning wearing nanna's old piss pots on their heads ? or is that Darwin's theory of natural selection at work?
why are the two on the lightning wearing nanna's old piss pots on their heads ? or is that Darwin's theory of natural selection at work?

Cause old is the new... new. I guess...
Kinda random, but yesterday I rented my wife some movies since she was stuck at home sick. One of the movies she wanted was Twilight - New Moon. I was taking care of our 4 month old while she was watching it, but at one point there was a scene with some motorcycles so I looked up.

Low and behold - I recognize those mirrors....about a half hour into the movie is a blacked out XB12S.

Surprised me to bit, but thought it was kinda cool. A minute later the movie was back to being gay so I stopped watching.
Black night...hahahahah awesome. I love :"A minute later the movie was back to being gay so I stopped watching."
New to the forums hi everyone, Buell spotted in the new A-team movie. Its in the scene where they try and recover the money plates in Iraq.
I forget which one, but underworld had a few lightnings in it. It was the first one, if I recall correctly. I was a little too busy concentrating on Beckinsale to remember, though.

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