i normally use the FB page but some ******** hacked my acct and posted something that went against standards and i got locked out for a month. i dont even know what the post was so if you saw it and it sucked sorry. it wasnt me. anyway. my 07 xb12r when running up to redline in a hard accel broke up violently. when the RPM dropped back down it ran fine. i thought i had hit the limiter by mistake. honestly ive hit the limiter on other bikes and its never been a violent back firing thing. however knowing the buell is the caveman of sport bikes i wrote it off. a day or two later the same issue happened but i wasnt close to redline. i was accelerating hard but it was in the 5ks when it broke up. still started, ran, rode fine. the third time it happened was a slightly different story. i was accelerating hard and it broke up violently at about 5500RPMs and the bike died. i pulled the clutch and tried starting it while coasting but it was all crank and no fire. i ended up pushing the bike home about a mile at 5am. glad its light. my initial thought of this being a limiter were removed sice the limiter shouldnt kill the bike and certianly wouldnt stop it from starting back. hours later i checked and it fired right off and ran fine. i dont trust it now. i purchased a buelltooth and fuel pressure test gauge. i was expecting the afv to be high (130%-150%) showing the pump was probably getting weak. however the afv was 99.5%. so at some point the bike thought it was a touch rich. from what i read 99.5% is still in spec but i changed it back to 100%. today i did some live data recording and it dawned on me that i dont know what the normal values are. i was told i may need to check my crank position sensor. i havent hooked up the fuel pressure gauge yet. any imput from the brain trust would be appreciated. oh and if any of you have experience with the rev limiter and know whether or not its violent and shuts the bike off let me know please. doesnt make any sense that it woud shut the system down for an hour plus though. thanks guys.