ok first off im new to the forum and i have a 04 xb12r that i purchased last summer and have not had any fun yet do to this problem i am having i will be ridding down the road and the bike will shut off but all the lights stay on and you can not start it back up unless you wait a few minutes with the key on and you will hear the fuel pump prime then it will start, it also breaks up at the upper rpm range and pops through the exhaust sometimes backfires there are no cel codes and its driving me nuts so far i have changed ecm, pipe, plugs, wires, reset tps, all made no differance at all. all my wires seem to be ok its almost seems like there is a relay reseting when this happens i was thinking maybe the cam position sensor was going bad but not sure but seems to be getting worse my set up currently is erik buell ecm,d&d pipe,k&n air filter and air box breather mod with catch can.even when bike was stock had same problem so no need to tell me its the ecm or exhaust its somewhere else maybe cam sensor or bank angle sensor anyone please help me get this awesome machine running right thanks