I have a 2005 lightning And I would like to put the rear plastic tail section. Of a fiirebolt with seat and cowl,,,,is this possible? Do I need a Firebolt subframe,and plastic under the tail section,,,anyone got info to share? Thanks guys
300 feet away and a firebolt looks like any other bike on the road.
Only a girl would make that claim about cars. LOL juskiddin.Whoa! Slow down. That is like saying all 2 door cars look the same.
You have a true Lightning Bolt. I think those look really cool.mine has a firebolt tail and a lightning front.
frightening is what i would call it - i also have a whole rear set up. subframe and everything. its black....what if I put the lightning front on one side and rig the firebolt front on the other. what would we call it then?