can you change your gear ratios?

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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2009
Just wandering if you could change your 5th gear out and put a smaller one in for better mpg and top speed? Wouldnt want to change the pullys and loose torque.
The question is not if you can change the gear ratios; more so it is if you can fin the parts or have the money to have a part machined.
British (and I presume Buellers in Europe) get bikes with different gearing. UK buellers often switch to US gearing. So technically changing the gearing must be possible, but if you already have the standard, I don't know about going w/ something custom.

Try an I-4. They go faster at WOT.
Is it milage youre after? or Torque? I would be interested in the milage myself. I do almost all highway driving..
baker dt makes a xl6 for sprotys. might be compatible with a gear ur looking for.
I'd be interested in swapping out the fifth for a higher gear. I'm always looking for another gear after 5th.