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Jul 29, 2009
Good day all,

I'm a guy coming off motocross bikes(still going to keep my MX bikes), and finally been pressured enough by my buddies to get a road bike. My interest is the XB12. I sat on an 09 XB12SCG today, it is good fairly small, just wondering how much bigger is the SS? I was flat footed on the SCG, I'm about 5'9" weigh between 155-159lbs. 32 inch inseam.

Second question, the lady that owned the SCG was fairly nice, and she told me the fuel in the frame gets pretty hot( i actually touched the frame, it was hot), but mentioned there is an insulation mod?

The SS is taller & longer. You probably would not be flat-footed on it unless you changed the seat.
As for the frame, they all get hot. The 09 has the latest programming for the fan which helps out. There are mods to help control the heat. You can search them out on this forum. I've seen the insulation mod, but have not tried it. I have done the right side scoop & header wrap. These make a big difference. I've also altered the oil cooler scoop to catch more air. The fact is the XB's get hot, but are built to handle it. If you have patience & a little mechanical ability, you will love the XB.
Good luck- it's a buyer's market right now!
Thanks, I do know my way around a tool box :p Now can the dealer pre-customize the bike with the seat that better suits one. Say I got the SCG seat on the SS?
As far as seat choices, you'll have more seat options with an Scg than an Ss. Oh, and Scg - Ss seats aren't interchangeable.

Take a look at on the website. They have a downloadable catalog that lists all their seats and will give you a good idea at what you can expect.
I am 5'10 with the 0912ss. I can't flat foot it but have no problems with that. Keep in mind that if you go with the lower seat to flat foot the bike you will lose leg room on the foot pegs. Personally I would not go with the lower seat.
I have an '06 Ss and I am only 5'6" w/o my boots. Honestly, I love to be flat-footed on a bike, and I can do that with our Blast, but I don't feel the need on the Ss. I guess it's cuz I'm short and have never been able to flat-foot a bike, so I am used to standing w/ one foot down, one on brake or shifter side peg at a stop. It also helps never to stop... did I just say that? ;-)
I would love to try out a ScG, but I like the larger fuel capacity of the Ss, and I like the riding position, and I like both the standard and the gel touring seats I have to go with.
So I wouldn't worry, but try if you can, and your body will give you the answer.
I wouldn't worry about flat footing on the bike. I'm only 5' 8" and 170lbs, and the can get my toes down. The bikes are SO stable even at walking pace, you'll rarely dab. One trick is to trail the back brake with a little pressure while anywhere below 5 mph...try it...the bike acts like a trials bike when you do this. Soooo stable!
If you go for a lower seat you have more knee bend that makes long journeys hard on the knees. I actually just ordered a taller aftermarket seat on my 09 XBS and it's way more comfy for the long rides.