Can't get rear axle off

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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2010
Trying to do some work to my bike. Loosened the axle pinch bolt, can't get it to loosen. It is standard right, counterclockwise to loosen?
Are you sure? That doesn't make sense due to the rotation of the wheel would be loosening it. And nothing on the bike or in the service manual mentions it, where as with the front it's written on the fork and it's mentioned in the manual that it's reversed.
Ya they say the front is the only one that is reverse. How loose did you get the pinch bolt? Try taking it all the way out
Well more then likely the last time you or someone else changed the tire they didn't put antiseize on it.
But yes it goes counter clockwise.... There are two things I can suggest.
1) pull pinch bolt all the way out then with a standard screwdriver pry in the slot a couple of times to try to break the seal.
2) use a small propane torch and stick it in the end of the threaded side of the axle and heat it up. Just don't burn your paint then use a long breaker bar.

If you keep hitting it with the impact you can break the axle
your right, counter clockwise to loosen the rear axle. sounds like whoever had the rear rim off last tightened it to much. take the pinch bolt all the way out and try a beaker bar.....
I stopped the impact, just tried for a second. It was ruining the tool.

I took the pinch bolt all the way out. I'm using a ~18" breaker bar. Also tried prying in that slot, will try again. Bike had not been maintained well by PO and this is he first time I'm taking the rear off.
Well I Fing heated it then bounced on the breaker bar and all I got was flex in the bar. I have the bike tied to the ceiling and it feels like I'm going to pull the joists down before I break this axle loose...
sean: to avoid this ever happening again, when all is apart take a scotch-brite pad and clean the axle well, the threads very well, all mating surfaces very well, and mating surfaces inside the swingarm. anywhere you can see tha the axle made contact with another surface, clean it. then put very light coat of light grease on axle and a light dab of anti-seize on both axle threads, axle head where it meets the swingarm, and pinch bolt threads.
you also don't have to go crazy tight when you put the axle back in. I just tighten it down really tight with a 1/2in rachet, back off a 1/4 turn and then put in the pitch bolt.
As long as you antiseize (light, light coat) and torque it according to the manual, then it shouldn't be a problem next time you need to break it loose. Granted the bike doesn't sit in the rain for several years without moving ;)
Here's to getting it removed and not breaking anything....cheers!!
Thanks for the tips. I will use anti seize and torque per manual. I'm having the wheels, calipers, and pulley powder coated black. Very excited!
I'm having the wheels, calipers, and pulley powder coated black

sean....sure you're aware of this as you're quite knowledgeable with these bikes but make sure powder-coater does NOT coat the pulley know....the part that actually engages the belt. if they do the belt won't fit the teeth grooves.