Can't get rear axle off

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Yes my powder coater is GREAT, he will make sure it's all masked off as needed...

I don't think I've ever fought something so tight, I seriously about busted my knee getting it loose. I am ~230lb and was bouncing as hard as I could on the breaker bar. It then let loose and I fell on my ars haha.
Ok so now the rear rotor bolts won't budge lol.

I broke my craftsman T40 and my neighbors Pittsburgh hardened impact T40. At least they both have lifetime warranty.

Looks like I might be grinding the head of these off, removing the rotor, then welding a nut on each remaining stud and using a socket to remove...

Also, removing the wheel bearings is proving difficult. How do you get behind the first one to punch it out? The spacer in the wheel is nearly the same diameter...
i stuck a prybar inside my wheel and the corners were able to grab the inner race just enough. then beat it with the 3 lb hammer. the corners are now broken off of my prybar but it can be sharpened or taken back for another one maybe. now there are a couple notches cut in the spacer so its easier next time.

good luck with the rotor bolts. they do have loctite on them so some heat might help here.
Heat the rotor bolts. I used a impact driver on mine worked well. Did break 1 bit though

I used a bearing puller on the wheel bearings. If you can get the sleeve to move enough a punch will work
I just tried heating the rotor bolts then realized I don't have a bit haha. Guess I gotta run to sears. Might just cut them not sure...looks like I will be cutting the bearings too, can't get them out. Tried heating the wheel as well and it didn't help.
I went through the same thing as you the first time I removed the rear axle. I ended up getting a 3' cheater bar. It felt like the torque I was applying was going to pick the front wheel off the ground or break something, finally it let loose.

I used this to get my bearings out (along a lot of heat on the hub) and they practically fell out:
Harbor Freight Blind Bearing Puller
The above tool won't work if the inner bearing race is gone. If that's the case weld a washer in there, then use the tool (actually the heat from welding will probably make it fall out).

The bolts on the disc brake ... don't grind them ... just take the rim to a welder and have them weld a nut on, that along with the heat from welding, they should come right out.
Well after a whole day of fighting I got nearly everything done.

I went to a shop up the street, the guy is really nice, he was able to get 4 of the 6 rotor bolts out with his impact. I felt bad because he broke two snap on bits. But he said no worries cause of the warranty, and didn't charge me. The last two I cut half the head off then was able to spin them loose with a hammer and punch.

Then the bearings, ugh... I tried my puller but there's no lip to grab the bearing. I don't know how you guys get it done but I couldn't get it. So I cut one bearing out on each wheel then punched the opposite bearings out. Cutting them was a bitch but I did it successfully and didn't damage the wheels so that's a plus. I cut a few notches in the spacers so in the future I can access the bearings to punch them out.

Then the tires lol... Even though it appears easy, it is actually extremely difficult to do haha. I barely got them off, and will never attempt this again. I scratched the wheels several times and just barely got them off. Good thing they are getting powder coated tomorrow.
Oh last thing, how do I get the valve stems off? I got the cores out. Do I just hold the inside with a flat head screwdriver then undo the nut?

At least the brake calipers all came apart easy...
Do I just hold the inside with a flat head screwdriver then undo the nut?

yes...that's it, sean. just wondering....was your bike around a coastal corrosive environment? sounds like it has been with all the stuck nuts, bolts, and axles.
Yep, I got a steal of a deal for it but it has some minor corrosion issues like this. It was parked outdoors off miami beach for ~5 years.

I just dropped the parts off at the powder coater, I'll be riding again sometime in january. I need to buy some misc hardware, drive belt, and a few other pieces and I'll be good to go.

I appreciate all the help. My bike REALLY fought me yesterday. But I think it's happy that I care so much lol.
I feel your pain trying to break that axle loose. I wish I would've gotten a picture of my 7ft cheater bar hangin off the back of the bike. Lol and for the rotor bolts... Oof. I used a solid impact bit, beat the bit snugly in and tried not to shart myself.

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