Can't take it anymore

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Well-known member
Jul 17, 2008
I am sick of this weather. I live in northeast pa and the weather is horrible. I know there is guys that ride all year round and like to brag so go ahead. There has been a couple decent days I could have ridden but didn't, it's not the cold that scares me it's the road conditions, I love my Buell too much to lay it down. The cinders and ice patches keep my bike in the shop and I am sick of looking at it sitting there. There was so much I wanted to do with it this year and didn't get a chance to becaue of this ****** economy. I have been laid off for at least three months if not more from my main job, no work at the restaraunt i cook part time at and haven't worked at my fathers shop because we have our moments were we don't get along. And this whole thing Obama is dong is not helping me at all. I will be paying off this debt he is giving us for the rest of my life. And thats my rant.......thanks for listening.
The weather will become better soon! Just gotta hang in there :) supposed to be up to 50 tomorrow!! Say bye to the snow ... for now lol
Heading for 40 degrees today in Bismarck, if it gets anywhere near there I'm going for a ride. Saw a guy cruising around yesterday. lol 30 degrees.
Bismark? I was born and raised in Devils Lake. woot. In San Antonio right now. 92 degrees today.
it was 66 degrees in Chicago IL when I was driving back home from work. I saw 2 bikers on their machines hauling their a$$e$.
I know how it is with this economy crap. I've been laid of too for some time and now I don't know if I'm gonna be able to pay for my bike's insurance when the nice weather hits [confused]
Know the feeling hehe took "Sheba" for a short ride today in the parking lot of my apts lol wanted to go on the street but the tires need air badly so til I get em pumped up no street for me.
well im in southern VT and we still have about 3 feet of snow in my front yard and ice everywhere. over a month before my bike sees the road!!!! [mad][mad]
I hear ya Skelly, so I won't brag (in those post) about the year -round riding. Honestly that's one of the (minor) reasons I moved to a warmer climate. loved riding so much, I hated staring at my bike all winter long in the garage back in MD.