Chance it????? Yes or no

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Well-known member
May 13, 2014
Got a bike run today.....only like 350 miles total. Want to take the CR, but am hesitant with the battery light coming on occasionally. I been keeping an eye on the gauge...hasn't been below 12.2 yet and is usually in the 13's. I'm thinking new stator and all is on the near future. Really wanna rock the CR on upstate New York's twisty mountain roads, but may just take the Firebolt since its been my rock solid dependable bread and butter......watchya all think?
I don't know but stators don't show signs of going out they either work or they don't, so maybe you need a new battery out it's something else. That's just my understanding!
I personally would do a little poking around on your bike to make sure it is the stator and not another gremlin. I also would be weary about take me on a 350 mile ride. Just my opinion, call me paranoid.
Just said screw it and took the Firebolt....heavy downpours, horrible upstate new York pothole ran flawless n never missed a beat. Now just to get the CR to the same level
Love it. I've owned 4 XB's and recently got a CR. I am usually very thorough, but didn't read up on it before I bought it. I'm new to the rotax, and stator issues. The bike had a new stator and rectifier put in, but i know that's not going to fix it. Did you do your swap out? If so what's the best place to get the RIGHT parts needed. Cheers!
Ha-ha....that's funny. I've put several hundred miles on with no problems since then. I love this bike!

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