Yes I should have been more clear about the RPMs. You won't really notice the Change on the Tach Except the slight faster up shift and it sweeping depending on your shifting. Now if you only change one Sprocket A Tooth or so that will slightly give you a faster take off of about Approx.,4 to 6 miles per hour depending on like the Stock one Front]is Stock(27) and rear (65)teeth go lower and a little faster(one)sprocket.
Two Large Sprockets will slow you down at take off.
However She will Stand up like a Horse too!And have Slightly Higher top end, as far as [Different] you may notice the speed but handling is the same Except in a curve on entry or Exit but with practice you will adapt quickly to that. I've done some Sprockets mostly the front one cause they couldn't get it loose, and bring the parts and Bike to install. Never put them on the dyno after the install. But they come back by and swear it is a 4 or more miles faster at accelleration.The Grin tells it!
Union can tell you since he has done the front one.With one tooth difference from Stock. Up here where it snows I would be somewhat undecided to put bigger Sprockets on unless I was having fun in the Snow.Like out in the grazing areas. Then it would be fun as Frack!Ahh, time to get back to work. Have fun with it.*Jimi