intake boot

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Thumpe: I would have to have suggestions on exhaust that wont kill the wallet. I am more into power with efficiency and reliability more than looks or sounds cool or spending too much. Reliability being number one. and I shy away from loud obnoxious if possible.
The thing is all aftermarket exhaust are loud there not made for road uses really for racing only. lol
An the better one in the bunch imo the Jardine is the higher priced one but you can get the optional Quiet Core baffle makes it alittle less loud.
If you want a quieter exhaust you pretty much have to custom build one.
Me, EZ an others have used the Supertrapp mufflers to help quiet it down with great results.
ok txs for the info. I guess I better decide and do some homework on what I want to achieve
I need to figure out what I am supposed to use on my 2000 Buell Blast Motorcycle to go from the carburetor to the air filter. I was able to buy 2 Buell Blasts from a guy on the FB Marketplace for $300. The only thing I've ran into so far is that neither of them had the airbox or anything coming off the carburetor to connect anything to.( Velocity Stack or Air Filter) It is really hard to find an answer to this question. What goes there and where can I get it? FYI The bike that is pretty much a part bike had Dan's superboot on it so I have that taken care of it's the other side of the carburetor that I have no idea what I'm supposed to do with.