I heard if you put that suit on it makes your voice get incredibly deap like how Christian Bail was. "Oh hey, I'm Mr. Wayne, and I have a normal voice right now. But just wait until I put that suit on and my voice gets REALLY low and manly"
i heard they are the suits that were worn for the stunts so they are pretty legit. they are also made for real protection. there is no way i could take someone seriously if they were wearing it though.
how can any one be taken seriously when they wear a costume? i mean that suit would be neat until you get off the bike, take off yer helmet and have to talk to someone. i catch enough ridicule by just wearing a plain black leather jacket and pants.
Point well taken nilla. I actually look like a freakin power ranger in my Buell Adventure suit. You know what they say... Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. Atgatt and drive safely, Nome Sane.