Chin Fairing Idea

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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
So, after staring at my bike for hours on end in my garage, I decided something. I hate the tan/Off Grey mid portion of the chin fairing. So tonight, I dismounted the chin fairing, drilled out the rivets that held the three pieces in place, prepped the plastic for paint and painted the mid section (that tan section)a Semi-Gloss black (leaving the two side pieces blue (my bike is the '06 blue and gold theme))

So once the paint drys/cures, I will re-rivet it back together (or use low profile nuts n' bolts, either will do) and see how it looks. I have high hopes for this mini-project of mine. Sure its just cosmetic, but I think (at least on my bike) that piece being black will look really alot better...

Anybody else ever do this?
...Probably not, Im OCD about details on my bike.

Anyways, will post some pictures of the final product after not too long.
i got my chin fairing painted when i took everything else in, i will post pics when i get home. i am glad i did it, it looks so much better semi gloss black. unfortunately it will be hard to keep clean, as the front tire sits like inches away from the thing. maybe we are both ocd. hahahaha :D
I painted mine flat black turned out great

Haha sorry I took a little while to follow up on this, but here it is, im actually very pleased. (**** cell phone picture doesnt do it much justice, but you get the idea)

Audixb12R, that turned out pretty good!
I hated the grey as well so i went with the carbon fiber approach ..... With some airbrush [smirk]
Looks good! Glad to hear im not the only one who hated that tan(ish) looking color! It looks alot better, and it seems to match the bike more in my opinion (particularly on mine, ive black out several other components, including the windscreen (zero grav double bubble in dark smoke) so from the front it looks much better)

Heres another shot, again, its ****** cell phone quality and my bike was a little wet in this picture)

I did mine also but hated the idea of rivets so I bought a windshield bolts and used those. Works really well when you have to take it apart and repaint once a year.