Chopping Front Fairing on Firebolt?

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Mar 14, 2010
I found the picture below on another post and was wondering how I would go about chopping my fairing. Could I use a saws all? I guess what I'm asking is what's the preparation and tools needed?
Kalifornia chopped his with a jigsaw, I beleive. I'm fixing to do the same for my firebolt.[up]
I'm liking the bar ends-the only question is wich ones?
Oops, that's a different thread ![smirk]
As mentioned here I am, I used a dremel, wax pencil, and a steady hand. I did it on my old bike a couple years back as well, I hate the height of the stock fairing thus my reasoning.

Here is a shot of it before chopped it, although my bike has gone through massive changes since then :D



And Now
The thing to watch out for anytime you're cutting plastic with power tools is the heat it's creating. I know they make specific tools to cut plexiglass, but every time I try to use it for something I get impatient and try to use a jigsaw for it. It cuts it, melts it, and it bonds back together right after the blade is through it, and by then it looks like a mess. I do the same thing every time. Just make sure you move slowly and take your time. If you use a dremel or something like that I'd use it on the slowest speed that seems productive so you get a nicer cut, and just plan to spend some time sanding when you're done.
I just did it to mine. I used a hack saw./ I cut it a little high. That way I could sand it down to get it smoth. I then took a block of wood about 10 inches long put some sand paper on it and went to town. turned out really good.
