Christmas Day ride

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Well-known member
Nov 7, 2011
Here today the high temp was 77F and partly cloudy. Took the XB12R for a spin. Came home kind of warm, non-heated outdoor pool water temp was a brisk 65F, took an invigorating dip before my shower.

Any of you go for a Christmas Day ride on your Buell? SAY
Wow, where you located? It was a little chilly here at 45-50 overcast with some light showers so no riding for me. Despite that, I just didn't have time bouncing from place to place eating all day!

Glad you were able to get out! [up]
It was 45 and sunny here so i just had to crank up the Buell! Did a quick 25 mile ride. I had a great Christmas and hope all of you had the same. Elgin ,Il.
Thanks bro. I just took a quick break after we finished opening gifts and had breakfast, while mom and the kids were getting ready to go over to grandma and grandpa's.
Temps peaked at 50F today-best it's gonna get this time of year. I took the bike out and put it through it paces in the hill country- about 40 miles. I take advantage of every opportunity to ride, I love this bike!
It was in the low 80's in central Florida yesterday, so I took the wife out on the Electra Glide for a 90 mile ride. It was a great was to spend Christmas.
Um..fwkapaun? Kinda pickin', but you missed the point of my thread - I posted "you go for a Christmas Day ride on your Buell?"....
Not Christmas day but I did manage to get out for a
quick ride yesterday (26th). The temps reached the mid 50's so I knew I better take advantage. This coming week Tulsa,Ok is forcasted for some high 50's so I might even get a New Year ride as well. Next week is 2012 which means only a month or so more of Winter weather then here comes Springtime AGAIN!!! Yeah!!! [up] I feel badly for you folks who live up North. Safe journeys to all.

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