clock and trip reset???

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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2010
Lately I've been having issues with my clock and tripometer reseting on my xb. I sometimes leave my bike for weeks at a time without starting, the battery is about 3 years old and I've never had this issue. I sometimes but not always keep it on a battery tender. What is causing this? Thanks.

PS at the dragon event even when riding it every day it reset overnight.
Low voltage on the battery. Either it just needs a charge or it's on the way out.
I'm going to second the low battery diagnosis. When mine was on the way out I was having the same issue. I eventually was on the battery tender every night or it wouldn't start in the morning. Even with that, It would hard start and reset my dash on a daily basis. Finally just had to give up being a cheap ass and replace the battery. No problems since.
I third it, my bike ended up the same. I had to keep it on the tender everyday. I finally bought a new battery and now it starts without resetting the dash.
all of the above. sean....if and when you replace the battery go to and order up the 14 series deka big crank. they are on sale and i think they offer free freight as well right now. 220 CCA's and you won't be sorry.
Thanks for the help. I'm surprised the battery is going out so fast. I also keep the bike garaged so it's not sitting out in the heat or anything but oh well. I have noticed some hard starting and had a few near non starts like when I left it sit for maybe 2-3 weeks without running it.

This is the one, John?

I paid $115 for the battery that's in there now (well, the OP did during the transaction, since the battery died when I went to pick the bike up). So $75 isn't a bad deal at all.
If you are going to leave it not running for weeks at a time, make sure you have a battery tender on it. You should get lots of life out of your battery if you do.

I have a cheap tender from walmart, don't recall the model. I don't use it all the time, I've heard that can cause damage to the battery depending on the tender. Any truth to that?
sean: yes sir, that battery is it on link you posted. i rave about big cranks all the time as they are deka and built right up the road from me. i'm on my 3rd in 3 different buells and they've been great. if you need a real deltran battery tender jr. i keep them in stock cheap.
Ok I purchased the battery, I'll let you know how I like it once I get it. It was too good a deal to wait. I'm going to get the info on my tender too to see if it's ok to leave on 24/7.
I'm going to get the info on my tender too to see if it's ok to leave on 24/7.

sean: i would NOT do that. i dont' give a damn what the charger manufacturer 30 years of using tenders on both cars and bikes i have only applied them to any given battery no more than one 24 hour period in any given week. virtually every single person i know of who has left a tender on a battery for weeks and months at a time has shortened the lifespan of the battery by an alarming amount. JMO
yes sir sean...that is what works for me. an XB in proper working order with no electrical gremlins or added electrical doo-dads only has a parasitic loss of a few milliamps in a 24 hour span. a quality tender like a deltran battery tender applied 24 hours once a week tops off the battery.
Specs look the same as the Batteries Plus AGM battery with a 24 month free replacement warranty. Costs more though, but might be the same battery? I just posted it on someones stranded thread?