Clubman handle bars

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Apr 25, 2012
Im a beginner with buells... I was just looking at aftermarket parts for my 04 xb12 and I saw people with an 1125 fit the clubman handle bars are their bikes. Do they have some that fit the xb12? If not is there anything like them for it? Im wanting the more of a forward lean and aggressive look.
the clubman bars come factory on some of the 1125r/cr models. Those same bars can be used on an XB with a little modification and risers.

welcome to the forum.
Crossroads are really nice, i got mine used a couple weeks back and i love the new seating position. More forward and aggressive but not so forward that it hurts your back.
I purchased my set from a place called old bike barn ( since I couldn't find a set of actual 1125r's.

Also picked up a set of precisionengineering risers, new grips, and some nice adjustable levers. It's all in the mail, I'll let everyone know how it turns out