Clunking, is that normal?

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Well-known member
Dec 21, 2009
While out on a short ride I was getting this sound. Kinda like when the u joint is going out on your truck or slack in your chain drive bike. Say your crusing around 40 in third gear and let off the gas, then give it a little to keep your speed. I have that sound when I get off and back on the throttle. I know if your bogging the bike down say 30 in 5th your going to get that noise and a few others. Just didnt know if I needed to tighten anything. Belt seems plenty tight so.. Is this normal for this bike or am I just not winding it up enough? Thanks
its ur primary chain,responding to ur throttle via the trans, then out to the belt and rear wheel. raise the rear wheel off the ground, and run it thru the gears with no load. ur rear wheel on pavement is a steady stream of hp.
Thanks. I dont have the service manual yet, its on order. Is this somethingI will have to drain a side case and remove??
the 1125 has a Compensated front sprocket mounted on output shaft; reduces engine pulses felt in the drivetrain so check it out as well. and the primary is gear driven on the 1125s
So its more or less normal? If im real easy with the throttle you really dont feel it.. Just wanted to see if it was something I could or needed to handle, or take into the dealership. I bought it in another state and Im a little aprehensive about taking it to the local place.
as far as normal; its common even on sportsters from the clutch operation/adjustments. it shouldnt be a recurring event though. the less u drive,the less the components are lubed. u should have minor hesitation at ur speeds/gear position. u'll know if it gets worse,the more it will clank/vibrate.
if its an 08 1125r it had a recall on the transmission jet, that affected lubrication, causing a 5th gear lock-up situation
No, its an 09 CR. I have put about 45 miles on it. Not sure if there is anything (recall) out on it??
there was also a charging system issue (the stator overheating) on 1125r;cr, 2009,2010 models & 2008 with replacement motors.
Havent seen anything regaurding the charging system. Is this something you just take in, or wait tll you get a letter?
call up a dealer and ask them too look up recalls pertaining to ur vin #

the charging system issue was with the 9's & 10's too so u might not have got it yet
I am only in 2nd gear going 30 MPH when I am cruising. 3rd gear might be a bit too high of a gear. I try to keep the RPM above 4K, but closer to 4.5K.

I have tested my 1125, 1st goes up to 62MPH before redline, 2nd goes to around 92 MPH before redline.3rd about 120 or so. 30 MPH for 3rd gear just seems like a bit too... blah
I have a slight clunk in mine when I have the clutch pulled in going back down through the gears. When I give it a little rev with the clutch between gears.. it hitting metal with a hammer. Is that the same noise..or does anyone have that problem...???
Bonechip - This is the way the bike is! And we all explain it in different ways. It feels like the rear chain is really loose (of course it doesn’t have a rear chain) so maybe it’s the primary chain that is loose (it doesn’t have a primary chain). The chances are you are letting the revs drop to low, say 3K and below. This engine is so different from other Buell engines. There are possibly a couple of ways this could have been sorted by the manufacturer but that is not going to happen. I have been reading with interest the reports of some people who have had their mapping tuned to match a sports exhaust and claim the bike to be much smoother at low revs. - P.S. if you want to hear a crappy sounding engine at low revs listen to a Ducati. Both engines are sweet but not when chugging around town. Like a Ducati this engine is born to be ridden not cruised. ;)

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