Clutch Cable Install

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That bolt in the clutch basket that has left hand threads, did you tighten that to spec in the manual? Not sure if that's related to the dragging clutch plates but seems like it might be.

Regarding the primary chain; the manual says to just get it in the range of allowed tolerances (I don't remember that range off hand). I would definitely lean towards the upper tolerance (looser chain) bc if it's too tight then you can cause nasty issues. But within that range you are good. Also there are two specs; one for warm and one for cold.
My bad, that is not a bolt that holds in the clutch basket but just an adjustment screw.

When you take the clutch inspection cover off, there is a spring. Remove it, then there is a slot head screw ("clutch adjustment scew") that has left hand threads. When reassembling, this shouldn't be overtightened. Page 1-25 of the manual states:

Remove spring (1) and lockplate (2).
Using a flat tip screwdriver, turn adjusting screw (3)
counterclockwise until it lightly bottoms.

Turn adjusting screw clockwise 1/4-1/2 turn. Install lockplate
and spring on adjusting screw flats. If hex on lockplate
does not align with recess in outer
Chicken, I think cknapp just found the manual and is quoting it for a question that wasn't asked?

"Adjustment of the clutch was fine. Mine too did lock up because of the drag of the clutch plates, when I had the clutch cable adjusted properly." I have no idea what this says.

The lever adjustment will adjust the clutch? No.

The lever adjustment only adjusts where the lever is. As long as you pull it and the clutch disengages (doesn't creep forward in 1st, engine running, clutch in) your all good. Adjust it so it's comfortable for you fingers, thats why it's adjustable. IMHO I make sure the lever can dis-engage the clutch fully while I still have 2 fingers around the grip, so they aren't trapped in there if you're in an emergency. I would think over-thinking and over-adjusting it to give the clutch 'extra release' could cause issues with the ramp in the primary cover. It's a known issue, so go easy on it.

I've never seen a brake lever that could be adjusted so much that it would hit the grip before applying the brakes fully. Adjust it so it's comfortable for you fingers, thats why it's adjustable. IMHO, I adjust the brake lever so with the brakes fully applied I still have room for 2 fingers on the grip, so they aren't trapped and even possibly lost in a wreck.
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I was responding to Pangs about the clutch adjustment. I couldn't make out exactly what he was saying but it sounded like he was having issues with the clutch not releasing. Hence my reference for clutch adjustment from the manual.

I initially responded to this thread bc I was curious about those adjustable levers. You answered my question there.
Cooter your advice on everything Buell is so helpful! I think i will just search all your posts & read em all!!
Cooter your advice on everything Buell is so helpful! I think i will just search all your posts & read em all!!

Dont tell him that, his head will blow up .LOL Great Guy ! badass.gif
Thanks Mick:angel: But there's a whole lot of guys on here smarter than me! I try to post only what I personally have experienced to be true and fun projects most people can do cheaply, but not regurgitate any info I haven't tested myself.

But sadly Silver is right:rolleyes: I drink beer and post so YMMV:sorrow: Lol. Besides, he has more bikes in his livingroom than I have in my garage!!

Us Buellers (and especially here at stick together as the red-headed step children of the M/C world and I wouldn't have it any another way. Best bunch of a-holes you could ever meet. Welcome to being a freak, Mick:eagerness::cool:

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