Clutch Rattle/Problem

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May 6, 2008
Last week I was riding home on my '04 XB12r (16,500miles) and I lost my clutch. I got it home and pulled the cover and noticed the primary case lips broke off where the clutch ramp rides. I ordered up a repair kit from Rob and Dave and repaired my case. Put everything back together and adjusted my clutch and primary chain. I started the bike up, I let the clutch out with the bike in neutral and I get this pretty loud rattling noise coming from inside the primary case. The noise goes away with the clutch pulled in (But I feel like a vibration coming through the clutch cable). I adjusted the primary chain and clutch again, and fired the bike up and it was still doing it. I put the bike in gear and took it for a quick spin and noticed the bike was kind of hard going into 1st, and the bike didn't want to roll backwards while in gear with the clutch in. I'm starting to wonder if the throwout bearing of maybe clutch springs went bad when my ramp assy broke away. I don't know. Any ideas? Thanks
I would operated the clutch a few times with the derby cover off and see if you noticed anything in particular out of wack ... (with the engine off of course) ... just my 0.000002¾ cents
I pulled the cover off and checked it out and everything looks like its normal. I'm thinking it might be a bad throw out bearing. After pulling the clutch in it takes a few seconds for the noise to go away. Then, as soon as you release it the rattle comes back.
the primary case lips broke off where the clutch ramp rides
Clean break? May be obvious but maybe while you cleaned up the inside there was still something hiding in the primary?

I ordered up a repair kit from Rob and Dave and repaired my case
Do you have a link to this kit? I've never heard of it and if someone else comes across your thread with the same problem they can do the repair as you have.

Good luck and keep us posted with your findings[up]
Here is the kit, Dave and Rob have put together a nice repair, looks much stronger than the original lips. Fairly easy to repair. Just need a dremel to take the original lips off and smooth everything out and a drill.

I pulled the primary back off and noticed the new plate was rubbing on the clutch basket. Pulled the dremel back out and took off a little more material and were all back together and up and running smoothly. The instructions said to take the case down to .56", I ended up at .55" and had to take a little off the ribs in the case to make the plate sit flush.