Last week I was riding home on my '04 XB12r (16,500miles) and I lost my clutch. I got it home and pulled the cover and noticed the primary case lips broke off where the clutch ramp rides. I ordered up a repair kit from Rob and Dave and repaired my case. Put everything back together and adjusted my clutch and primary chain. I started the bike up, I let the clutch out with the bike in neutral and I get this pretty loud rattling noise coming from inside the primary case. The noise goes away with the clutch pulled in (But I feel like a vibration coming through the clutch cable). I adjusted the primary chain and clutch again, and fired the bike up and it was still doing it. I put the bike in gear and took it for a quick spin and noticed the bike was kind of hard going into 1st, and the bike didn't want to roll backwards while in gear with the clutch in. I'm starting to wonder if the throwout bearing of maybe clutch springs went bad when my ramp assy broke away. I don't know. Any ideas? Thanks