Maybe this is a really unpopular question,,, but why not just sell it as is? Is there a reason? let someone else take it on. parting out a bike is a lot of work and time and trouble, and theres always certain items that go quick, but theres always parts that dont move quick, and the endless emails, quotes, shipping etc,,,
I realize theres many people who think its quite profitable to do this,,,,, and SOME people do make money at it
Such as that DavidJayUden guy swooping in for the kill for ever buell he can get his hands on, then parting them out on ebay (check his auctions)
But maybe this bike is more than you want to do as a project, but i bet others might be pretty happy to get it in one piece and can make a pretty cool bike out of it.
Feel free to tell me to piss off. however i will PM you, as,, while id like to see you just sell it on to someone else,,
if you ARE going to part it out, well,,, i see a few bits I could use for my many projects.
it might be helpful as well to say the year..