Well if your talking about how it comes on when you turn off the bike... When it starts fast then goes to slow.... no it will not get more than whats in the batt at shut off, and its not going to be 14v. The batt wont have 14v in it at shut down.
Im not sure of the tools you have avalible, but this is what i would do. Hook up a fuse like I described, then jump it off my car batt with my car running. If no fuse burn with the amps/volts avalible from the car, then its in the bike harness not the fan.
This is what i would do... Remember the fan will not pull more than its designed to, unless its broke, hence the fuse for protection. And to me since it works fine when you jumped it in the past with out smoking the motor, or the wires that were in your hands my money is on your fault is in the bikes harness. Rember these three golden rules
1. Blown fuses = hot wire shorted to ground
2. something working with out demand = example- turn signal turn on with high beam switch means to power wires shorted togeather.
3. Something not working on demand = example- no brake light when brake applied, is and open circut on power or ground.
Hope this helps, good luck