well what im doing is doubleing up all the tubing and making a better mount. instead of everything being sandwiched on the font isolator with 2 bolts. therese going to be a plate behind the isolator plus 2 more bolts holding the cage in place. so thats 4 bolts in the front to relieve the stres off the front cyclinder head and isolator. i see it as better cus if anything should break it will be the first set of bolts and not the head bolts. another side note i had many problems with it mounting to the isolator, i wouldent even drop my bike and they would break, or rattle out. ive tried manything red loctite,safty wire. the thig about bolts is , any bolt will vibrate out given the right frequency. btw this the 3rd cage i broke from powers. first one bent and snapped on the first drop. second one i didnt even drop and it got a stress fracture and cracked. and this is the new one i have. and all 3 had the same problem with the bolts breaking for no reason