Custom Buell XB9R

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Jan 4, 2011
I finished customizing my Buell! Whadya think?






Speed of color undertail and RSS, a bunch of Rizoma protection and Kellermann style indicators.

I Also rerouted the breather.
Very bright! And definitely NOT worth $60 each! I bought them for 10 bucks per set here in Holland from a knock-off brand :)
Hi Peter,

Well done [up]
I really like that painted Speed of Colour Undertray and Right Side Air Scoop (I mean both Scoops paint) [up][up][up]

Could you please make a Straight Front Photo of the bike so that we could see how symmetrical both Air Scoops are.
You have a BUELL you are never done modding it hahahaha!! I think you need a bigger license plate.:D
Looks great! Is it painted blue or are those raw plastics? Great job color matching! Now you need to polish that race pipe!
Thanks everyone!

Sondermann, I'll take a picture from the front as soon as I get it back from the dealer; I ripped about twenty teeth of my belt so I'm getting a new one put on as we speak.
The RSS' symmetry is quite decent from the front and for the untrained eye it's dead on :p

Dave, the undertail, RSS and LSS have been color-matched and painted by a professional. But thanks anyway! ;)

This winter I am going to take off the exhaust and do something with it, not sure what but right now it just looks dirty.

Thanks for all the comments!
Where did you get the undertail? Ive always wanted that specific one. ASB sells them any other options?

Looks awesome though great job.
The undertail and RSS are from, they make really nice (unpainted) parts but are quite expensive. Stateside riders will have to add some extra shipping costs as well.
But totally worth it! It gives the bike a whole new look if you ask me.

The undertail from ASB is an Ermax undertail from france, I think the SOC one has a 'cleaner' look to it.
Thankfully they have pictures. My high school German language is a bit rusty. Very cool site!